Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day Bengali Meaning Class 12

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day, কবিতাটির প্রতিটি শব্দ ধরে আলোচনা করা হল। গুরত্বপূর্ন শব্দগুলির উচ্চারন দেওয়া আছে । সাথে Textual Questions গুলিও আলোচনা করা হয়েছে । । কবিতাটির PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য সাথে ভিডিও দেওয়া আছে ।
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day, the poem is is discussed with word by word Bengali analysis, Textual Questions, Grammar and video & PDF for downloading.

Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day Bengali Meaning

Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day ?

                                     – William Shakespeare


Shall   I  compare1 thee  to  a  summer’s day?

 = আমি কি তোমাকে \ তোমায় এক গ্রীষ্মের দিনের সাথে তুলনা করব ? (1.- কমপেয়ার)

Thou art more lovely and more temperate,

= তুমি আরো সুন্দর এবং আরো মনোরম\নমনীয়\স্নিগ্ধ ,

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

= প্রবল\প্রচন্ড বাতাসে মে মাসের সুন্দর\ প্রিয় কুঁড়ি গুলিকে কাঁপায় \ ঝরিয়ে দেয়,

And summers lease hath all to short a date.

= এবং  গ্রীষ্মের আয়ু \মেয়াদ  খুবই অল্পক্ষন \ স্বল্পকালীন ।।


Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

= কখনও কখনও  আবার আকাশের আঁখি খুব উষ্ঞ \ তপ্ত ভাবে কিরন দেয় ।।

And often is his gold complexion dimmed;

= এবং প্রায়ই তার সোনার বরন হয়ে যায় ম্লান \ নিস্প্রভ ;

And every fair form fair sometime declines,

= এবং প্রতিটি সুন্দর বস্তু থেকে তার সৌন্ধর্য কখনও কখনও হ্রাসপায় \ ক্ষীয়মান হয় ,

By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed.

= অকস্মাৎ\আচম্বিতে বা  প্রকৃতির পরিবর্তনীয় অবিন্যস্ত পথে ,


But thy eternal summer shall not fade

= কিন্তু তোমার অনন্ত \ চিরন্তন গ্রীষ্ম কখনো মলিন \ ম্লান হবে না

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;

= যে সৌন্দর্য তোমারই তা হবে না ক্ষয় ( তা থেকে তুমি অধিকার হারাবে না )

Nor shall death brag thou wand’rsest in his shade

= মৃত্যু তার দম্ভ নিয়ে তোমাকে তার ছায়ায় টানতে \ ঘোরাতে পারবে না ,

When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,

= যখন সময়ের সাথে সাথে ( কবিতার ) পঙক্তিগুলিতে তুমি অক্ষয় \বেঁচে থাকবে ।


So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

= যতদিন মানুষ শ্বাস নেবে বা চোখ দিয়ে দেখবে ,

So long lives this gives life to thee.

= ততদিন এটা বাঁচবে আর জীবন দেবে ( ততদিন তুমিও বেঁচে থাকবে )

The End

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এই কবিতাটির PDF ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করতে নীচের লিঙ্কটি ক্লিক করুন 👇👇👇👇

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Multiple Choice Questions

1) William Shakespeare wrote over all —- a) 154 sonnets ,  b) 18 sonnets ,  c) 150 sonnets.

2) “ Shall  I Compare Three to a Summer’s Day?” is a Sonnet No.— a) 14 , b)16,  c)18 ,d) 15

3) The sonnets of Shakespeare follows the type of  —– a) Petrarchan , b) French , c) Italian, d) his own .

4) The sonnets of Shakespeare are written in ——- a) free verse , b) blank verse , c) Iambic Pena meter, d)  Trochaic meter .

5) The sonnet “ Shall I Compare Three to a Summer’s Day ?” is addressed to —–  a) The poet’s Friend / a young man , b) the dark lady , c) the poet’s wife , c) Summer .

6) The sonnet “ Shall I Compare Three to a Summer’s Day ?” he is pattern of —– a) Octave + Sestet , b) Sestet +  Sestet + Couplet , c) 3 quatrains + Couplet , d) Octave + Couplet + Sestet .

7) In the sonnet “ Shall I Compare Three to a Summer’s Day ?” the poet celebrates / represents —– a) power of nature , b) the brevity of life , c) beauty of his friend , d) beauty of summer .

8) “ Shall  I Compare ?Thee to a Summer’s Day ?”— here ‘thee’ means — a) he , b) we, c) they d) you.

9) “ Shall  I Compare ?Thee to a Summer’s Day ?”—- here ‘thee’ refers to — a) a young man , b) a Yung woman , c) Queen Elizabeth , d) the dark lady .

10) In his sonnet “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day ?” the poet states that the summer is —- a) constant , b) eternal , c) not eternal , d ) hot and humid .

11) The month referred I the sonnet “ Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day ? “ is —–  a) April ,b) June , c) May , d) August .

12) In the poem “ Shall I Compare Thee t a Summer’s Day “ the darling buds of May are shaken by —  a) rain , b) rough winds , c) hot sun , d) summer .

13) “ And often his gold complexion dimmed” —– ‘ Summer’s lease’ is — a ) permanent b) short – lived,  c) long – standing , d) for years .

14) “ Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shine” —- here ‘eye of heaven’ refers to —  a) the sun , b) the  Stars , c) the clouds , d) the young man .

15) “ And often his gold complexion dimmed” —– here ‘his’ refers to the gold complexion of the —- a) stars , b) the , c) the young man , d) the clouds .

16) “ And often his gold complexion dimmed” —– the gold complexion dimmed by —–  a) the rain , b) the black cloud , c) the fog , d) dense smoke .

17) In the poem “ Shall I Compare Thee to a summer’s Day ?” ‘ the eye of have’ has the complexion of —-  a) pink , b) yellow , c) silver , d) golden .

18) “And every fair from fair sometimes declines — the fair is declined by —-  a) by chance , b) by man , c) nature’s changing course , d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’ .

19) “And every fair from fair sometimes declines — here the meanings of two ‘fair’ are respectively  ——  a) fair object +fairness , b) fairness + fair object , c) fairness + fair lady , d)  fair lady + fair object.

20) “But thy eternal Summer shall not not fade” —- here ‘eternal Summer’ suggests —-   a) permanent weather  , b) permanent season , c) permanent physical beauty  , d) permanent life .

21) “But thy eternal Summer shall not not fade” —- here the mentioned eternal summer is of —-  a) earth  b)  the poet’s friend , c) nature , d ) his wife .

22) “nor loose the possession” —– the poet’s friend possessed —– a) eternal glory , b ) eternal beauty / Summer , c) eternal life , d) all of them ,

23) Death has no control over —– a) the poet , b) beauty , c) the young person , d) poetry .

24) “Nor shall death brag thou wand’ rest in his shade” —- the figure of speech in this line is   —–   a) Simile , b) Metaphor c) lines of the poetry , d) none of them .

25) “When in tis eternal lines to time thou grow’st” —— here eternal lines refers to — a) eternal Summer , b) eternal life , c) lines of the poetry , d) none of them .

26) “thou grow’st” —– the young person / the poet’s friend will grow ——- a) in his life , b) in the eternal lines of the sonnet ,  c) the lines of sonnet , d) all of them .

27)“So long live this” / “This gives life to thee “ —– here ‘this’ refers to ——  a) poet’s friend , b) poet’s beauty   c) poet’s poetry ,  d) poet’s love .

28) “So long live this” —- ‘this’ will live as long as —-  a) eyes can see  ,  b) ear can hear , c) men can breath ,  d) men read this poem .

29) “This give life to thee” —- the line suggests that the poet’s friends will be remembered by the —– a) poet , b) readers ,  c) seasons , d) the poet’s love .

-: Objective Type Questions :-

1) Whom does the poet address /  praise in his Sonnet No.18?

Ans:  The poet addresses / praises his young friend in his sonnet No.18.

2)  What is the theme of the sonnet No.18?

Ans: The theme of the Sonnet No. 18 is the eternal beauty of the poet’s young friend.

3) What does Shakespeare compare his young friend to in the Sonnet No. 18 ?

Ans: In sonnet No. 18 Shakespeare compares his young friend to a summer’s day .

4) Why does the poet use question to compare his friend to a summer’s day in the Sonnet No. 18 ?

Ans: In sonnet No. 18 the poet uses a question compare his friend to a summer’s day because his friend is more lovely and more temperate than a summer’s day .

5) What do rough winds do ? / What shakes the darling buds of May ?

Ans : Rough winds shake the darling buds of May .

6) “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date” —- What does the line suggest ? / What is meant by ‘summer’s lease’ ?

Ans : The phrase ‘summer’s lease’ means the duration of summer which is limited .

7) “Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines” —- What is meant by the phrase ‘eye of heaven’ ?

Ans: The ‘eye heaven’ means the Sun .

8) What does sometime that ‘eye of heaven’ do ?

Ans : Sometime the ‘eye of heaven’ grows extremely hot and become scorching .

9) “And often his gold complexion dimmed” —– Whose gold complexion is dimmed and how ?

Ans: The gold complexion of ‘the eye of heaven’ or the Sun is dimmed by the clouds .

10) “And every fair from fair sometimes declines” —- How does fair object lose its fairness ?

Ans : Every fair object lose its fairness in course of time or by chance .

11) “But thy eternal Summer shall not fade” —– What does the line suggest ? / Whose eternal summer is referred to here and why shall it not fade ?

Ans: Here the beauty of the poet’s friend is called eternal as it will never diminish and will preserve in the perpetual lines of his poetry .

12) “Nor loose the possession” —– What possession is referred to here / What possession will the poet’s friend not lose ?

Ans: Here the ‘possession’ refers to the beauty and youth of the poet’s friend and the possession will never be lost because it will be preserved in perpetual lines of his poetry .

13) “Nor shall death brag thou wand’ rest in his shade” —– What odes the line suggest ? / Why shall death not brag him ?

Ans:    The line suggests that the poet’s friend will never be devoured

14)“ When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,”— Who will grow and how? / Which lines arereferred to here?

Ans: The poet’s friend will grow through the eternal lines of his poetry.

15) “So long lives this”—– What is referred by ‘this’ and how will this live?

Ans: Here ‘this’ refers to the poetry of the poet and this will live as long as people read this poem.

16) “This gives life to thee” — What will give life and to whom?

Ans: As long as the people of earth read this sonnet, the friend of the poet will live through the line of his poetry.

            Descriptive Type of Question          Mark-6

1) Give the central idea / main theme of the poem “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?”    Or /

How does Shakespeare compare the beauty os Summer to that of his friend in his Sonnet No. 18?

Ans: Shakespeare’s sonnet “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?” belongs to the sonnet series on his unknown young friend. The sonnet centers round the power of his great art that immortalizes the beauty of his beauty.

                        The poet feels that his friend is more temperate and lovely than a summer day. The beauty of a summer day is destroyed by the rough winds as they spoil the darling blossoms. Sometimes the sun gives excessive heat and clouds often dim the golden colour of the bright sun. Thus the beauty of a summer day undergoes change and decay. One the other hand the beauty of his young friend has eternal summer beyond the reach of time and death. The poet has firm conviction that his poetry will live forever. It will be appreciated by the readers on the oncoming ages. They shall love and admire the poet’s friend who shall live eternally through his poem. Thus these eternal lines would immortalize the beauty and worth of his friend.

2) “And this gives life to thee”- What does ‘this’ refer to? Who is referred to by ‘thee’? How ‘this’ gives life to ‘thee’?  [ 1+1+4 ] *****

Ans: Here ‘this’ refers to the poetry of the poet and this will live as long as people read this poem.

                        Here ‘thee’ refers to the unknown young friend of the poet.

The beauty of a summer day undergoes change and decay. One the other hand the beauty of his young friend has eternal summer beyond the reach of time and death. The poet has firm conviction that his poetry will live forever. It will be appreciated by the readers on the oncoming ages. They shall love and admire the poet’s friend who shall live eternally through his poem. Thus these eternal lines would immortalize the beauty and worth of his friend.


3) “When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st”— What are ‘eternal lines’? Who refers to ‘thou’? How will ‘thou’ grow in the eternal line?   [ 1+1+4 ]

Ans: Here the  eternal lines refers to the lines of the poet’s poem.

                                    Here ‘thou’ refers to the unknown young friend of the poet.

The beauty of a summer day undergoes change and decay. One the other hand the beauty of his young friend has eternal summer beyond the reach of time and death. The poet has firm conviction that his poetry will live forever. It will be appreciated by the readers on the oncoming ages. They shall love and admire the poet’s friend who shall live eternally through his poem. Thus these eternal lines would immortalize the beauty and worth of his friend.


Voice Change

i) Shall I compare the to a Summer’s Day?                     

   ii) Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.

iii) This gives life to thee.

Negative / Affirmative

i) Thou are more lovely and temperate. [ negative ]     

ii) Thy eternal Summer shall never fade. [ Aff]


i) Thy eternal Summer shall never fade [ Complex]       

ii) Shall I compare the to a Summer’s Day?           [ Complex/ Statement]

iii) Thou are more lovely and temperate. [ interrogative ]



1) “Nor shall death brag thou…” here the word ‘brag’ means – a) pride,  b) proud,  c) boast,  c) resiest.

2) The month referred in sonnet No. 18 was —- a) March,  b) April,  c) May,  d) June.

3) “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date”—- here the word ‘lease’ means – a) leisure,  b) entertainment,  c) loveliness,  d) duration.

4) “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date”—- here the word ‘summer’s lease’ means–  a) glory of summer,  b) span of summer,  c) rough weather of summer,  d) leasure during summer.

5) The sonnet-18 of Shakespeare is addressed to—- a) Queen Elizabeth,  b) a young man,  c) a young woman,  d) Shakespeare’s wife.

6) The ‘eyes of heaven’ refers to—- a) the sun,  b) a young man,  c) the moon,  d) the poet himself. ***

7) “Thou art more lovely and more temparate”— here the word ‘thou’ refers to – a) the poet’s friend,  b) the poet’s mother,  c) poet himself,  d) the poet’s lady-love.

8) What can not be controlled by the death —- a) beauty,  b) poetry,  c) creation,  d) imagination.

9) “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is sonnet number —- a) 15,  b) 16, c) 17,  d) 18.

10) Eternal summer can be maintained through —- a) poetry,  b) beauty,  c) preservation,  d) conservation.

11) According to Shakespeare summer is —- a) permanent,  b) eternal,  c) long-lasting,  d) transitory.

12)What is the controlling simile in the poem Sonnet-18 — a) Summer’s day,  b) eternal summer,  c) flowers,  d) clouds.

13) The poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” begins with — a) interrogation,  b) interrogation and simile,  c) simile,  d) periphrasis.

14) Sonnet-18 is written in — a) Iambic trimeter,  b) Iambic tetrameter,  c) Iambic pentameter,  d) Iambic hexameter.

15) Rough wind blows in the month of —- a) March,  b) April,  c) May,  d) June.


1)”So long lives this”— What does the word ‘this’ refer to?

2) What do rough wind do in summer?**

3) To whom is Sonnet 18 addressed ? ****

4) Where will the poet’s friend grow?

5) What shakes ‘the darling buds of May’? *****

6)”…and this gives life to thee”— What will give life to ‘thee’?

7) How long according to Shakespeare will his friend live?

8) What shall never fade according to the poet?

9) How according to Shakespeare can eternal summer be maintained? **

10) What does ‘eye of heaven’ refer to? ****

11) What is complexion of summer  / eyes of heaven? ****

12) Give an example of personification from sonnet no.-18?

13) What is meant by ‘eternal summer’?

14) What are the themes of Shakespeare’s sonnet-18?

15) What is suggested by the phrase ‘nature’s changing course’?

16) “death shall not brag”— What shall death not brag in Shakespeare’s sonnet?


1) “And this gives life to thee”- What does ‘this’ refer to? Who is referred to by ‘thee’? How ‘this’ gives life to ‘thee’?  [ 1+1+4 ] *****

2) “When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st”— What are ‘eternal lines’? Who refers to ‘thou’? How will ‘thou’ grow in the eternal line?   [ 1+1+4 ]

3) In what way does Shakespeare find his friend superior to a summer’s day?

4) “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” — Who makes the comparison? Who is compared to a summer’s day? What are the blemishes of summer?  [ 1+1+4 ]

5) How does Shakespeare immortalize his friend in “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”?

6) “But thy eternal summer shall never fade”— who is the poet? What is meant by ‘eternal summer’ ? How does the poet suggest to maintain the eternal summer?

7) How does the poet compare his friend to a summer’s day? 

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