The Poetry Of Earth By John Keats Bengali Meaning Class 12

The Poetry Of Earth, কবিতাটির প্রতিটি শব্দ ধরে আলোচনা করা হল। গুরত্বপূর্ন শব্দগুলির উচ্চারন দেওয়া আছে । সাথে Textual Questions গুলিও আলোচনা করা হয়েছে । । কবিতাটির PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য সাথে ভিডিও দেওয়া আছে ।
The Poetry Of Earth, the poem is is discussed with word by word Bengali analysis, Textual Questions, Grammar and video & PDF for downloading.

The Poetry Of Earth Bengali Meaning

The Poetry of Earth

– John Keats


The poetry of earth is never dead.

= ৃথিবীর কবিতা (গান ) কখনও শেষ হয়না / ফুরায় না  ।।

When all the birds are faint with the hot sun.

= যখন পাখিরা / পাখিরদল প্রখর সূর্যতাপে অবসন্ন / শ্রান্ত হয় ,

And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run`

= এবং শীতল গাছের ছায়ায় লুকায়, একটি কন্ঠস্বর বয়ে আসে / এগিয়ে আসে ,

From hedge to hedge about the new morn mead

= সদ্য কাটা তৃনক্ষেতের ঝোপ থেকে ঝোপের মধ্যে (থেকে )

That is the Grasshopper’s – he takes the lead

= এটা (সেই কন্ঠস্বর) ঘাসফড়িংএর ( গঙ্গাফড়িংএর) – সে এগিয়ে থাকে (পুরোভাগে থাকে) ,

In summer’s luxury – he has never done                      

= গ্রীষ্মের বিলাসিতায় কখনও শেষ হয়নয় ( তার )

With his delights, for when tired out with fun

= তার আনন্দ, কারন /জন্য যখন সে আনন্দে/স্ফূর্ততে ক্লান্ত হয়ে

He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.

= সে স্বচ্ছন্দে কোন মনোরম আগাছার নীচে বিশ্রাম নেয় ।।


The poetry of earth is ceasing never

= পৃথিবীর গান/কবিতা কখনও থেমে (স্তব্ধ) যায় না

On a lone winter evening, when the frost,

= নির্জন শীতের কোন এক সন্ধায় যখন কুয়াশা,

Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills

= সৃষ্টিকরে এক নিঃস্তব্ধতা (তখন) অগ্নিকুন্ডের কাছথেকে তীক্ষ্ণকন্ঠ আসে

The cricket’s song, in warmth increasing ever

= ঝিঁঝিঁর গান বেড়ে চলা উষ্মতায়

And seems to one in drowsiness half lost

= এবং অর্দ্ধলীন হয়ে তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্ন থাকা অবস্থায় কারো মনে হয় ,

The grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.

= তৃনময় পাহাড়ের মধ্যে থেকে ভেসে আসা ঘাসফড়িংএর ( গঙ্গাফড়িংএর) ডাক / গান ।।

The End

Also Read: On Killing a Tree

এই কবিতাটির PDF ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করতে নীচের লিঙ্কটি ক্লিক করুন 👇👇👇👇

কবিতাটির ভিডিটি দেখতে ক্লিক করুন👇👇👇👇

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Multiple choice Question

1) The poem ‘The Poetry Of Earth’ is —- a) an elegy , b) a sonnet , c) an ode , d) lyric .

2) The type of the poem ‘poetry Of Earth’ is —-   a) Petrarchan ,  b) Shakespearean  , c) both  Petrarchan  and  Shakespearean ,  d) none of the above .

3) The poem ‘The Poetry Of  Earth’ follows the pattern of —– a) octave + sestet  , b) sestet + sestet + octave   c) 3 quartairs + couplet , d) All of the above .

4) The symbol used in the poem  ‘The Poetry Of Earth’ to signify poetry in —– a) cricket , b) grasshopper , c) music , d) birds .

5)“When all the birds are faint” —– the birds are faint with —– a) hot sun ,  b ) starvation , c) cold ,  d) long flight .

6) “When all the birds are faint” —– being faint the birds take shelter in  ——- a) nests , b) green  grass , c) cooling trees , d) beneath some pleasant weeds .

7) “A voice will run” — here the mentioned voice comes from —  a) birds,  b) cricket,  c) grasshopper,  d) bees.

8) “A voice will run” — the voice will run from — a) cooling trees,  b) hedge to hedge,  c) grassy hills,  d) nests.

9) “he takes the lead”—  here ‘he’ refers to — a) birds,  b) grasshopper,  c) cricket,  d) bee.

10) “he takes the lead”—  ‘he’ takes the lead in — a) summer’s luxary,  b) singing,  c) moving from hedge to hedge,  d) all.

11) “He has never done” — the line suggests that the grass hopper —– a) tired,  b) had not done with his delights, c) has not done his job,  d) has done his job.

12)In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the grasshopper is tired with its  —-  a) song,  b) luxary,  c) voice, d) fun.

13) “He rests at ease”— the grasshopper takes rest —- a) in cooling trees,  b) nests,  c) beneath some pleasant weed,  d) in grassy hills.

14) The octave of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ presents the music of —– a) Winter,  b) Summer,  c) Spring,  d) Autumn.

15) The sestet of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ presents the music of — a) Winter,  b) Summer,  c) Spring,  d) Autumn.

16) “Has wrought a silence”—- the silence is wrought by —- a) frost,  b) grasshopper,  c)hot sun,  d) rain.

17) “Has wrought a silence”—- the silence is wrought —- a) in summer evening,  b) on rainy day,  c) in winter evening,  d) on a lone winter evening.

18) The cricket’s song in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ shrills from — a) cooling trees,  b) hedge to hedge,  c) grassy hills,  d) nests.

19) The song of cricket in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ seems to increase —- a) joy,  b) sorrow,  c) warmth,  d) rapture.

20) The cricket’s son is imagined to be the song of the grasshopper by —– a) the poet,  b)a traveler,  c) readers,  d) one lost in drowsiness.

21) The person believes the cricket in the grasshopper in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’–  a) he has actually seen the grasshopper in the hills,  b) he is drowsy and cannot tell the cricket from grasshopper,  c) the warmth of cricket’s song leads him to imagine the grasshopper in the grassy hills, d) all of this.

22) The symbol used in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ to signify the poetry — a) Cricket,  b) Grasshopper, c) nature, d) music.

23) The birds hide in cooling trees due to —- a) heat,  b) rain,  c) frost,  d) landslide.

24) The grasshopper presents the music of —-a) Winter,  b) Spring,  c) Summer,  d) Autumn.

25) ‘…. he has never done with delights’ – here ‘done with’ means —- a) worked out,  b) achieved,  c) finished,  d) communicated.

26) According to Keats, the music of the earth ceases —- a) in Summer,  b) in winter,  c) in Autumn,  d) at no point of time. ***

27) Keats finds inspiration in —- a) poetry,  b) nature,  c) language,  d) music.

28) In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the word ‘mead’ means —– a) middle,  b) meadow,  c) kind of bird,  d) food.

29) The wormth in the winter is created by —– a) grasshopper,  b) cricket’s song,  c) forst,  d) rain.

30) Who enjoys the summer’s luxary in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’  — a) cricket,  b) grasshopper,  c) song-birds,  d) the poet.

31) “He rests at ease’— here the word ‘ease’ means – a) seize,  b) cease, c) easy,  d) comfort.

32) The silence in ‘The Poetry of Earth’ has been wrought by ——- a) Summer,  b) forst,  c) rain,  d) heat.

33) The grasshopper sings —– a) from hedge to hedge,  b) in the forest,  c) in cooling trees,  d) in a hut.

34) A winter evening according to Keats is —– a) gloomy,  b) silent,  c) delightful,  d) hazy.


.1) What kind of poem is ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

Ans: the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ is a sonnet of Petrarchan type.

2) What is the theme of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

Ans: The theme of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ is the undying existence of the song of Earth.

3) “When all birds are faint”— Why are all birds faint?

Ans: All birds are faint with the hot sun in Summer.

4) What do the birds do in summer being faint with the hot sun? / Where do the birds hide in Summer? *********

Ans: When the birds are all faint with the hot sun, they hide themselves in cooling trees.

5) “A voice will run” — Whose voice will run and from where? Where will the voice of the grasshopper be heard? **********

Ans: The voice of the grasshopper will run from hedge to hedge about the new morn mead.

6) “he takes the lead”—  who takes the lead and how?**********

Ans: The grasshopper takes the lead with its delightful murmuring to keep the song of earth continuing in summer.

7)”He has never done with his delights”— What does the line mean? / suggest?

Ans: The line means/ suggests that the grasshopper’s delights never come to an end.

8) “He rests at ease….”— Who rests and where? / When does the grasshopper takes rest

and where?***************

Ans: When the grasshopper feels tired out with fun, it takes rest beneath some pleasant weed.

9) “-has wrought a silence”—  What has wrought( created) a silence and when ? ******

 Ans: In a cold desolate winter evening frost has wrought (created) a silence.

10) “there shrills the cricket’s song”—-  Where from does the cricket’s song shrill?

Ans: In a cold desolate winter evening the cricket’s song shrills from the stove.

11) “…in warmth increasing ever”—- What increases the warmth of winter?

Ans: In the poem ‘The poetry of Earth’ the cricket’s song increases the warmth of winter.

12) “and seems to one”— What does seem tone?

Ans: To one lost in drowsiness half lost in the warmth of stove, the cricket’s song seems to be the song of the grasshopper among some grassy hills.

13) Why does the man sitting beside stove mistakenly identify the cricket’s song as the song of the grasshopper? ( What  does the person half-lost in drowsiness imagine?)

Ans: The man sitting beside the stove mistakenly identifies the cricket’s song as the song of the grasshopper because the warmth of the cricket’s song leads him to imagine that.

14) What season do the grasshopper and the cricket symbolize?

Ans: The grasshopper and the cricket symbolize the seasons of summer and winter respectively.

15) “The poetry of earth is never dead”— What do the poetry of earth consist?

Ans:The poetry of earth consists with the song of the different living creatures like birds, insects, and natural objects through all seasons.

16) “The poetry of earth is never dead”—Why is the poetry of earth never dead?

Ans: According to the poet the poetry of earth is never dead because the music is sung different living creatures through all seasons on summer by the grasshopper and on winter by the cricket.

17) “The poetry earth is ceasing never”… Why is the poetry of earth never ceased?

Ans: According to the poet the poetry of earth is never ceased because the music is sung different living creatures through all seasons on summer by the grasshopper and on winter by the cricket.

Descriptive Type Questions

1)         What is central idea of the poem “The Poetry Of Earth” /

            “The poetry of earth is never death “ —— What makes the poet believe this ? /

            “ The poetry of earth is ceasing never” —— How does the poet represent this fact ?

Ans :     Keats’ sonnet “ The Poetry Of Earth” celebrates the eternal existence of the music in Nature .

The poet asserts that the poetry of earth never of earth never perish , though the season changes . In extreme heat or biting cold the music of earth is heart in different

modes and tunes . ******* In scorching rays of the summer sun , song –birds are exhausted (tired ) and seek shelter in the cool covers of leaves . Then chirping of Grasshopper from hedge to hedge fills the void and keeps the music of earth audible .

Then he takes a break and rests beneath some pleasant weed . After the music

Grasshopper the Cricket carries the music of earth in winter. ******** In the evening of winter frost creates silence everywhere . The music of earth is heard in the shrill  tune of the Cricket’s song behind the fire place . The song of Cricket introduces warmth into the frosty atmosphere . A half asleep person imagines it to be the continuation of Grasshopper’s delightful murmur among some grassy hills on a summer’s day .

           It makes the poet believe that the poetry of earth is eternal and does not come to an end .

2) “He has never done with his delights” – Who is ‘he’ referred to here? What does ‘he’ do? What does the poet want to mean here? (1+1+4) ***

Ans: Here ‘he’ refers to the grasshopper.

                        The grasshopper carries the song of earth in summer with its delightful murmuring.

In scorching rays of the summer sun , song –birds are exhausted (tired ) and seek shelter in the cool covers of leaves . Then chirping of Grasshopper from hedge to hedge fills the void and keeps the music of earth audible .Then he takes a break and rests beneath some pleasant weed . It makes the poet believe that the poetry of earth is eternal and does not come to an end

3) “A voice will run” —- Whose voice is this? Where will the voice run? What is the significance of the voice?

[ 1+1+4 ]

Ans: The voice of the grasshopper will run from hedge to hedge about the new morn mead.

The voice of the grasshopper will run from hedge to hedge about the new morn mead.

  [ 2 নং প্রশ্নের শেষ অংশ ]


Voice Change

i)          The frost has wrought a silence .

ii)         He takes the lead in summer luxury .


i)          The poetry of earth is never death dead . [ Affirmative ]

ii)         The poetry of earth is ceasing never .  [ Affirmative ]

iii)        He has never done with his delights . [ Affirmative ]

iv)        He rests as ease beneath some pleasant weed . [ Negative ]

v)         When all the birds are birds are faint with the hot sun , and hide in cooling trees , a voice will run . [  Split]



1) How does cricket’s song  warm the winter evening?

2) Where does grasshopper rest at ease in Summer? **

3) Which seasons are mentioned in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

4) Why does Keats use as symbol of poetry in ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

5) What has created a silence on lone winter evening?

6) What does Keats celebrate in his sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth’?**

7) ‘… a voice will run’—Whose voice is referred to here? **

8) What does the season winter symbolise?

9) Who is the poet of Summer in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

10) Where do all birds hide in Keat’s ‘The Poetry of Earth’? / What happens to the birds in Summer?

11) Who breaks the silence of Winter?

12) When does grasshopper take the lead? / Who takes the lead in summer’s luxary?

13) ‘… from the stove there shrill’ — What shrill?

14) When according to Keats, will the poetry of earth cease?

15)’… he has never done with his delights’ — What does the line suggest? **


1) Justify the title of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’. **

2) Give the substance of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’.

3) What is Keats observation on the songs at the grasshopper and cricket in ‘The Poetry of Earth’.

4) Write a short note on the central idea of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’.

5) “The poetry of earth never ceases”— Justify after Keats . / Why does Keats feel the poetry of earth ceases? ***

6) “He has never done with his delights” – Who is ‘he’ referred to here? What does ‘he’ do? What does the poet want to mean here? (1+1+4) ***

7) “He takes the lead”— Who takes the lead? When does he take the lead? How does he take the lead?

8) “A voice will run” —- Whole voice is this? Where will the voice run? What is the significance of the voice?

[ 1+1+4 ]

9) “He rests at ease” — Who is ‘he’ here? Where does ‘he’ rest? How does he carry the music? [1+1+4]

10) “When frost has wrought a silence”— Where from is the line taken? Who writes it? How does the scene present in the line? [1+1+4 ]

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