Asleep in the Valley By Arthur Rimbaud Bengali Meaning Class 12
Asleep in the Valley, কবিতাটির প্রতিটি শব্দ ধরে আলোচনা করা হল। গুরত্বপূর্ন শব্দগুলির উচ্চারন দেওয়া আছে । সাথে Textual Questions গুলিও আলোচনা করা হয়েছে । । কবিতাটির PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য সাথে ভিডিও দেওয়া আছে ।
Asleep in the Valley, the poem is is discussed with word by word Bengali analysis, Textual Questions, Grammar and video & PDF for downloading.
Asleep in the Valley Bengali Meaning
Asleep In The Valley
– Arthur Rimbaud
[ i ]
A small green valley1 where a slow stream2 flows3
= একটি ছোট্ট সবুজ উপত্যকা যেখানে বয়ে যায় এক ধীর নদী ।। (1.-ভ্যালি, 2.-স্ট্রিম,; 3.-ফ্লোস)
And leaves long strands4 of silver on the bright
= এবং ঊজ্জ্বল রূপালি ঘাসের দীর্ঘ তটভূমি ফেলে যায় ।। (4.-স্ট্রানডস )
Grass; from the mountaintop stream the sun’
= পর্বত শিখর থেকে সূর্যের ( কিরন ) বয়ে আসে / নেমে আসে
Rays; they fill the hollow 5 full of light.
= তারা উপত্যকাকে আলোয় পূর্ণ করে / ভরিয়ে তোলে ।। (5.-হলো)
[ ii ]
A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed6,
= একটি অতি অল্প-বয়সী তরুন সৈনিক হাঁ- করা শুয়ে , (6.-ওপেন-মাউথড)
A pillow7 made of fern beneath8 his head,
= তার মাথার নীচে ফার্নের তৈরি / গড়া একটি বালিশ , (7.-পিলো, 8.- বিনিথ)
Asleep; stretched9 in the heavy undergrowth10,
= ঘন আগাছার ঝোপে শরীর এলিয়ে / প্রসারিত করে সে নিদ্রামগ্ন , (9.-স্ট্রেচড; 10.- আনডারগ্রোথ)
Pale11 in his warm, green, sun-soaked12 bed.
= তার উষ্ণ , সবুজ রৌদ্র–স্নাত \ রোদমাখা বিছানায় পান্ডুর / বিবর্ন হয়ে সে শুয়ে ।।(11.-পেল ; 12.- সানসোকড )
[ iii ]
His feet among the flowers, he sleeps. His smile
= ফুলের মধ্যে পা-দুটি রেখে সে ঘুমোচ্ছে \ ঘুমিয়ে ।। তার হাসি
Is like an infant’s13– gentle14, without guile15.
= ( তার হাসি ) এক শিশুর হাসির মতো শান্ত ও ছলনাহীন ।। (13.-ইনফ্যান্টস ; 14.- জেন্টেল;15.-গাইল )
Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold.
= আঃ , প্রকৃতি , তাকে / ওকে উষ্ণ রাখো তার / ওর ঠান্ডা লাগতে পারে ।।
[ iv ]
The humming16 insects don’t disturb his rest;
= গুঞ্জনরত পতঙ্গেরা তার বিশ্রামে ব্যাঘাত যেন না ঘটায় ; (16.-হামিং)
He sleeps in sunlight, one hand on his breast;
=রৌদ্রে বুকের ওপর একটি হাত রেখে সে ঘুমাচ্ছে (শান্তিতে )
At peace. In his side there are two red holes.
= তার দেহের পাশে দুটি লাল / রক্তাভ গর্ত ।।।
The End
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কবিতাটির ভিডিটি দেখতে ক্লিক করুন👇👇👇👇
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1) “Asleep in the valley ” was originally written in………… a)Bengali , b) Italian, c) French, d) Spanish.
2) Arthur Rimbaud is famously known as …………a) Romantic poet, b) Elizabethan poet, c) war poet, d) boy poet.
3) The poem “Asleep In The Valley” is a poem about ………a) love, b) war , c) peace, d) nature.
4) The theme of the poem “Asleep In The Valley” is ( the poem reflects ) ……..a) the futility of war, b) the brotherhood of man , c) celebration of peace, d) the valour of soldiers.
5) The poem “Asleep In The Valley” is a ……….. a) ode, b) haiku, c) sonnet, d) dramatic monologue.
6) The stream in the valley flows ……. a) fast, b) making rippling sound, c) slowly, d) quietly.
7) “….. they fill the hollow full of light .”……. Here ‘ the hollow’ refers to– a) an empty space, b) a dimple, c) sunken condition, d) a small valley
8) “…..they fill the hollow full of light “ –Here ‘they’ are…… a) the sun’s rays, b) the stream’s water, c) the clouds sailing in the sky, d) the reflection of light.
9) The soldier is lying…….. a) with a closed mouth, b) with tearful eyes, c) with a hat on his head, d) with lips apart.
10) The solder’s pillow is made of …… a) cotton, b) cloth, c) fern, d) ice-water.
11) The soldier is stretched out …… a) in the herbs, b) in flowers, c) in the stream, d) among clouds
12) The soldier’s bed is ……… a) green and warm, b) grey and cold, c) a piece of cloth, d) pale and drab.
13) ‘ Asleep in the Valley’ is …….. a) a lyrical ballad, b) an allegorical poem, c) a sonnet, d) a part of an epic.
14) The soldier’s bed is soaked by……… a) the water of the river, b) the rain water, c) the function water, d) the sunrays.
15) “….. stretched in the heavy undergrowth” …….. Here ‘ undergrowth’ refers to….. a) a dense growth of shrubs, b) the lowest social caste in a community, c) a growth in a person’s armpit, d) place under the solder to raise him.
16) ‘ Asleep in the valley ‘ is a poem about ……… a) the beauty of nature, b) war, c) the beauty of a river, d) life and death of common people.
17) The humming insects do not disturb the solder because ………. a) he is dead, b) he is peaceful, c) he is violent, d) he is a nature lover.
18) The sun-ray’s fall from …… a) the sky, b) the mountain top, c) behind the mountain, d) above the trees.
19) One of the soldier’s hand is rested on ………. a) his breast, b) his head, c) the ground, d) the flowers.
20) How many red holes are there on the soldier’s body ? …….. a) three, b) four, c) one , d) two.
21) The soldier’s innocence is described through a smile ………. a) his smile is innocent, b) he is peaceful , c) he is young, d) he sleeps open-mouthed.
22) Rimbaud was a ….. a) English poet, b) French poet, c) Dutch poet, d) Russian poet.
23) The poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ reflects …….. a) pity of war, b) the glory of war, c) beauty of war, d) beauty of the valley.
24) The soldier lies in the valley because …….. a) he is a nature lover, b) he is a casualty of war, c) tired person, d) sleeping person.
25) The soldier is …….. a) young, b) very young, c) aged, d) mature.
26) The two red holes depict– a) blood clots, b) bullet wounds, c) stab mark, d) arrow piercings.
27) The poem ‘Asllep in the valley’ reflects— a) the glory of war, b) pity of war, c) the beauty of the valley, d) the beauty of sun-rays. **
28) The soldier lies with— a) eyes closed, b) mouth opened, c) legs stretched, d) hand folded.
29) The humming insects —- a) bite the soldier, b) disturb the soldier, c) leave the soldier undisturbed, d) entertain the soldier.
30) The setting of the war in Rimbaud’s poem goes back to —- a) World War I, b) Cold War, c) 1870’s Europe, d) World War II.
31) Whom does the poet direct to keep the soldier warm– a) Sun, b) nature, c) God, d) mountain.
32) ‘Gentle without guile’— without guile means—a) pure and innocent, b) kind and childish, c) harsh and cruel, d) manly.
33) A soldier sleeps in the valley — a) painfully, b) blissfully, c) unmindfully, d) consiously.
34) The poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is a perfect example of a — a) lyric, b) ode, c) elegy, d) sonnet.
35) The soldier sleeps in the —a) hight, b) twilight, c) dwan, d) sunlight.
36) Rimbaud is a — a) Celtic poet, b) Gothic poet, c) French poet, d) Russian poet.
37) The soldier sleeps with one hand on his —a) breast, b) back, c) belly, d) side.
38) The smile of the soldier is — a) calm, b) foolish, c) gentle, d) abused.
39) The pillow of the soldier is made of — a) grass, b) fern, c) flowers, d) undergrowth.
40) The colour that brings the tragedy of war is — a) green, b) silver, c) red, d) golden.
Short Answer Type Questions
1) What is the theme / subject matter of the poem “Asleep in the Valley” ?
Ans: The theme of the poem “Asleep in the Valley” is the futility of war.
2) What does the poem “Asleep in the Valley” reflect ?
Ans: The poem reflects the pity of war.
3) What type of poem is “Asleep in the Valley” ?
Ans: The poem “Asleep in the Valley” is a sonnet. ( having two stanzas of four lines each and two stanzas of three lines each. )
4) Where does slow stream flow? ( WBTA- 409 )
Ans: The slow stream flows through a small, green valley.
5) Where from do stream of sunrays come?
Ans: The stream of sunrays come from the mountaintop.
6) How does the stream flow in the small green valley ?
Ans: The stream flows slowly in the small green valley.
7) “They fill the hollow full of light”…. What is suggested by the word ‘hollow’ ? ( WBTA- 394)
Ans: The word ‘hollow’ suggests an empty valley.
8) “They fill the hollow full of light”…. What fill the hollow?
Ans: The stream of sunrays fill the hollow with their bright light.
9) Who is asleep in the valley? ( WBTA- 315)
Ans: A very young soldier is lying asleep in the valley.
10) How does the soldier lie / sleep ? ( WBTA- 401 , 470)
Ans: The soldier lies / sleeps peacefully , openmouthed , and has kept his one hand on the breast.
11) What is the soldier’s pillow made of? ****** ( WBTA- 204, 315)
Ans: The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.
12) “Streatched in the heavy under growth” …… What is meant by ‘heavy undergrowth’ ?
Ans: The word ‘heavy undergrowth refers / suggests the plentiful growth of the bushes and plants among which the soldier blissfully sleeps.
13) On which bed does the soldier fall asleep? / Which did the young soldier lie on? ( WBTA- 306, )
Ans: The soldier falls asleep in warm, green and sun-soaked bed made of soft bushes and plants.
14) “Pale in his warm, green , sun-soaked bed” …… Who is pale and Why?
Ans: The young soldier is pale because he is dead.
15) “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”…… Why do the insects not disturb him? *
Ans: The humming insects do not disturb his rest because the soldier is dead.
16) How does the poet describe ( compare ) the soldier’s smile? ******* ( WBTA- 192, 205, 380)
Ans: The youthful soldier’s smile is as pure and innocent as that of a child.
17) “ In his side there are two red holes” …… What do ‘two red holes’ indicate? ****
Ans: The two red holes indicate / suggest that the soldier is dead with two gun shot wounds in his side.
18) What does Rimbaud request the nature? ( WBTA-26, 306, 363)
Ans: The poet / Rimbaud requests the nature to keep the soldier warm.
Long Answer Type Questions Mark-6
1) Give the central idea of the poem “Asleep in the Valley”. Or /
How does the picture of the soldier describe the tragedy of war. Or /
Describe the valley and the contrasting condition of the soldier in the poem “Asleep in the Valley”.
Ans: The poem “Asleep in the Valley” belongs to the genre of anti-war poem. But there is no direct reference to war in the poem. It deals with a contrast between the beauty of the atmosphere and the horrid image of death.
The poem opens with a beautiful view of a valley where a young soldier is found sleeping. A silvery stream moves softly and beautify the valley. The valley is flooded with the sunrays coming from the mountaintop. The young soldier is laying openmouthed under the sky with a pillow of ferns and bed of bushes and plants. He looks pale but has an innocent smile on his face. There are two red holes caused by the bullets in the soldier’s side. The war had killed the soldier long ago. At once the picture of gloom and horror of war flashes upon our mind. The discovery of these ‘two red holes’ exposes the hollowness and futility of war. Thus the poem reveals the grim death that is the inevitability of war.
2) “the humming insects do not disturb his rest”—– Who rests and where? Why do the humming insects not disturb his rest? Describe the tragedy of war describe the tragedy of war? [ 2+1+3 ]
Ans: In the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley ’a very young soldier rests in a small green valley.
The humming insects do not disturb his rest because the soldier is dead.
[ 1st Question –এর last paragraph ]
Voice Change
i) They fill the hollow full of light. i
i) Keep him warm./ Nature, keep him warm.
iii) He may catch cold.
Iv) The humming insects do not disturb his rest.
Join the followings into Simple\ Complex\ Compound
i) There is a small green valley. A slow stream flows in the valley.
ii) The soldier was dead. He was young.
iii) The sun’s rays were bright. They lit up they valley.
Sentence Change
i) They fill the hollow full of light. [ Negative ]
ii) He sleeps. [ Negative ]
iii) The humming insects do not disturb his rest. [ Affirmative ]
iii) A soldier very young lies open mouthed. ( split/ complex )