How to Write Editorial Letter || Letter to Editor Format with Samples
How to Write Editorial Letter || Letter to Editor Format with Samples
Follow this format and write easily a letter to editor very easily
এই একটি ছক অবলম্বন করে যেকোন Editorial letter লেখা যাবে ।
Editorial Letter
(লেখার গঠন )
The Editor,
The Statesman /The Times Of India / The Telegraph
[ Sub: ]
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I want to ventilate my concern over ………………….. ( subject ) / (অথবা )
I would like to request you to allow me a little space in the page of your highly esteemed daily so that I may express my views over …………………………….. ( Subject ) / (অথবা )
I would like to request you kindly publish this letter in your highly esteemed daily so that I may throw some light on the problem of ……………………… ( Subject )
…………………………………………………… .O………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………… D………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………… .Y………………………………………………………
In view of all this I think that the Government should take drastic steps to stop this nuisance and threat to life, by any means. / (অথবা )
In view of all this I would like to request you to write a strong editorial note so that the Government should take drastic steps to stop this nuisance and threat to life, by any means. / (অথবা )
I shall, therefore, feel obliged if you kindly publish the above in your esteemed daily with a few to drawing the attention of the proper authorities to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Address: …. …………………
Vill- P.O.- Dist. – PIN – Date: |