On Killing a Tree By Gieve Patel Bengali Meaning Class 12

On Killing a Tree, কবিতাটির প্রতিটি শব্দ ধরে আলোচনা করা হল। গুরত্বপূর্ন শব্দগুলির উচ্চারন দেওয়া আছে । সাথে Textual Questions গুলিও আলোচনা করা হয়েছে । । কবিতাটির PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য সাথে ভিডিও দেওয়া আছে ।
On Killing a Tree, the poem is is discussed with word by word Bengali analysis, Textual Questions, Grammar and video & PDF for downloading.

On Killing a Tree Bengali Meaning

On Killing A Tree

-Gieve Patel

                      [ I ]

It    takes much time    to kill      a     tree                                                  

= একটি গাছকে মারতে \ হত্যা করতে অনেক সময় লাগে।।            

Not a simple jab1 of the knife.                                                                          

= ছুরির সামান্য \ নিছক এক আঘাতে ( তা হবে না )  (1.-জ্যাব) 

Will do it. It has grown2                                                                                            

= ( এটা\তা হবে না ) এটা বেড়ে উঠেছে ( ধীরে ধীরে )    (2.-গ্রোওন)    

Slowly consuming3  the earth                                                                                                  

= ( ধীরে ধীরে ) মাটির \পৃথিবীর উপাদান \ রস শুষে নিয়ে ।।    (3.-কনজিউমিং)              

Rising out of it, feeding4                                                                                          

= উত্থিত হয়েছে , পুষ্ট হয়ে   (4.-ফিডিং)   

Upon its crust5 absorbing6                                                                                     

= এর ত্বক \ উপরিভাগ থেকে ( আহার্য ) শোষন করে       


Years of sunlight, air    and water                                                                 

= বহু বছরের সূর্যালোক, বাতাস এবং জল (শোষন করে)                       

 and out of its leprous hide7                                                                               

= এবং এর কুষ্ঠরোগগ্রস্থ বাকল থেকে বেরিয়ে আসে ,     (7.-লেপরাস হাইড)                     

Sprouting8 leaves                                                                                  

= কচিপাতা গজায় ।।  (1.-স্প্রাউটিং) 

                             [ ii ]                                                                                          

So  hack9  and  chop10                                                                   

   = সুতরাং কোপ মারো ও টুকরো টুকরো করো (9.-হ্যাক;10.-চপ) 

But  this alone wouldn’t  do  it.

= কিন্তু স্রেফ \ কেবল এতেই হবে না ।।

Not so much pain will do it

= এতটা কষ্ট দিয়েও তাকে মারা যাবে না

The bleeding11 bark12will  heal13

 (11.-ব্লিডিং, 12.-বার্ক) 

= রক্তাক্ত বাকল \ ছাল সেরে উঠবে ।         (13.-হিল) 

and from close to the ground

= এবং মাটির কাছাকাছি থেকে ,

will raise   curled14,    green twigs15


= জেগে উঠবে \গজাবে কুঞ্তিত সবুজ পল্লব ।।   (15.-টুইগ) 

Miniature16  bough17        

= ছোটছোট শাখাগুলি (16.-মিনিয়েচার; 17.-বাউস) 

Which if unchecked18 will expand19 again

= যদি সেগুলি বাধা না পায় তা হলে আবার  বিস্তারিত হবে

to former size                       

      = আগের চেহারায় ।। (18.-আনচেকড, 19.- এক্সপ্যান্ড) 

Also Read: The Poetry Of Earth

                                    [ iii ]


The   root is to be pulled out

= মূলটি \ শিকড়টি উপড়ে ফেলতে হবে ।।

Out of the anchored20 earth


= শিকড় বিস্তার করা মাটি থেকে

It is to be roped,   tied21


= এটাকে দড়ি দিয়ে বাঁধতে হবে ।।

And pulled out – snapped out22

  (22.-স্ন্যাপড আউট) 

= এবং টেনে ছিঁড়ে নিতে হবে ।।    


                                       [ iv ]

Or pulled out entirely23


= বা পুরোপুরি টেনে বের করতে হবে  

Out from the earth’s cave24

 = মাটির গহ্বর থেকে(কেভ)

And the strength25 of the tree exposed26


= এবং তখনই গাছের ক্ষমতা দেখা যাবে ।।              26.-এক্সপোজড) 

The source27, white and wet28  (27.-সোর্স, 28.-ওয়েট)

  = উৎসটা সাদা সিক্ত ।।

The most sensitive29, hidden30   

  (29.-সেনসিটিভ, 30.-হিডেন)

= অতি সংবেদনশীল লুক্কায়িত

For years inside the earth

 = বহু বছর যাবৎ মাটির ভিতরে

Then the matter

= তারপরের ব্যাপার হল

of scorching31 and choking32  (31..-স্করচিং, 32.-চকিং )

 =  ঝলসানো দমবন্ধকরা

in sun and air

= রোদে বাতাসে

Browning33 , hardening34

(33.-ব্রাউনিং, 34.-হারডেনিং )

    = বাদামি ও শক্ত করার কাজ

Twisting35 , withering36

  = দুমড়ে মুচড়ে শুকিয়ে ফেলা

And then it has done

= আর তারপরই কাজ শেষ ।।

****************************************** 00000************************

Also Read: The Eyes Have It

Also Read: Strong Roots

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Also Read: Three Questions

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এই কবিতাটির PDF ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করতে নীচের লিঙ্কটি ক্লিক করুন 👇👇👇👇

কবিতাটির ভিডিটি দেখতে ক্লিক করুন👇👇👇👇

                                             Multiple Choice Questions                              Mark- 1

1) To kill a tree one needs ….. a) little time,  b) much time,  c) an hour,  d) a day.

2) A tree cannot be killed by …..  a) a simple jab of knife,  b) hacking,  c) chopping, d) pulling out.

3) The tree grows by absorbing ………  a) air,  b) water,  c) sunlight,  d) water, air, sunlight .

4) The tree rises out of ……  a) earth’s cave,  b) anchoring earth,  c) the earth,  d) all.

5) “Feeding upon its crust”……. the word ‘crust’ means ……..  a) outer part of bread,  b) the earth’s solid exterior, c) bark of the tree,  d) scaly covering on skin.

6) The poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ is written in —— a) blank verse,  b) free verse,  c) closed verse,  d) opened verse.

7)In the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ the act of killing a tree is described as — a) an innocent act,  b) wood cutter’s job,  c) deliberate act,  d) healthy exercise.

8) ) New leaves will sprout out of the tree’s …….  a) dry stream, b) leprous hide,  c) green twigs, d) white root.

9) The phrase ‘earth’s cave’ in the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ indicates —- a) the hollow in which the tree grows,  b) the cave in which the tree was planted,  c) the gaping hole in the earth when the root is pulled out,  d)  all of them.

10) “And out of its leprous hide”…… the expression ‘leprous hide’ refers to …….  a) smooth skin,  b) the bark of the tree,  c) the leaper’s skin,  d) plain skin.

11) “And out of its leprous hide”…… the expression ‘leprous hide’ means ….  a) rough and marked bark of the tree,  b) the leaper’s skin,  c) skin of the poet,  d) none of the above.

12) The poem ‘On Killing a Tree’ at the very out set establishes —– a) irony,  b) satire,  c) elegy,  d) allegory.

13) “Out of the anchoring earth” —– here the line suggests that —-   a) the earth shelters all animals,  b) the earth secures the tree,  c) the earth is anchored by the tree,  d) none of them.

14) “the most sensitive, hidden”—– here the most sensitive part of the tree is — a) bark,  b) root,  c) miniature boughs,  d) green twigs.

15) “The source”——  the source of the tree is —-  a) white and wet,  b) white and hardening,  c) browning and hardening,  d) wet and hardening.

16) “The source” —– the source of the tree is —- a) bark,  b) root,  c) miniature boughs,  d) green twigs.

17) “And the strength of the tree exposed”—–  the ‘strength of the tree’ is —- a) bark,  b) root,  c) miniature boughs,  d) green twigs.

18) In the poem “On Killing A Tree” the bark of the tree is compared with …..  a) skin of a leaper,  b) smooth leather,  c) crust of the earth,  d) the fur of  an animal.

19) “Miniature boughs”………..  here the word ‘miniature’ means —–  a) small,  b) very small,  c) not so big,  d) very big.

20) Curled green twigs rise from —–  a) the chopped tree,  b) close to the ground,  c) top of the tree,  d) uprooted tree.

21) Miniature boughs will expand again to the former size if ——-  a) unchecked,  b) checked,  c) uprooted,  d) chopped.

22) The strength of the tree is exposed when —–  a) the tree is scorched ,  b) the tree is roped,  c) the root of the tree is pulled out,  d) the tree is chocked.

23) “And then it is done”—–  here ‘it’ refers to the process of —- a) killing,  b) scorching,  c) choking,  d) twisting. 

24) At initial stage the twigs remain —– a) straight,  b) curled,  c) green,  d) curled and green.

25) The most sensitive part of the tree is its- a) root,  b) steam,  c) leaves,  d) bark.

26) The tree grows out of the earth   a) slowly,  b) rapidly, c) promptly,  d) happily.

27) Miniature boughs will rise if the growth of the tree is left a) unchecked,  b) undevelpoed,  c) unseen,  d) undone.

28) “feeding upon its crust”- here the word ‘crust’ refers toa) the light covering of the roots, b) the top layer of the earth, c) the bark of the tree, d) the last layer of the earth.**

29) In the poem ‘On Kiiling a Tree’ the killing is described as – a) a deliberate act,  b) a woodcutter’s job,  c) a healthy exercise,  d) an innocent act. **

30) The phrase ‘earth cave’ indicates – a) the cave in which the tree plant,  b) the hollow in which the tree grows,  c) the rath in which the tree is planted,  d) the gapling whole in the earth when the root is pulled out.**

31) In the poem ‘On Kiiling a Tree’ ‘leprous hide’ refers to – a) leprous skin,  b) diseased skin,  c) rough bark of the tree,  d) smooth bark of the tree.

32) The tree’s liner source of strength is its—  a) root,  b) bark,  c) stem,  d) taproot.

33) The poem On Kiiling a Tree’is written in —- a) blank verse,  b) free verse,  c) rhymed cuplet,  d) iambic pentameter.***

34) ‘And then it is done’—here ‘it’ refers to—  a) killing a tree,  b) planting a tree,  c) healing touch,  d) green twig.

35) ‘And then it is done’—here the word ‘done’ means— a) deed,  b) completed,  c) accomplished,  d) all.

36) What will rise from close to the ground?–  a) new leaves,  b) green twigs,  c) new roots, d) saplings.

     Short Answer Type Questions                      Mark-1

1) What type \ kind of poem “On Killing a Tree” is ?   (WBTA -34)  ***

Ans: “On Killing a Tree” is an ironical poem written in free verse.

2) What is the theme of the poem “On Killing a Tree”?

Ans: The poem is about destroying a tree at the hands of man.

3) “Consuming the earth” —– What do you mean by ‘consuming the earth’? (WBTA  26, 184, 192, 232) 

Ans: The expression ‘consuming the earth’ means taking in nutrients from the earth.

 4) How according to the poet has the tree grown?

Ans: According to the poet the tree has grown slowly consuming the earth for its own nourishment ( by getting nutrients from the earth ).

5) “And out of its leprous hide” ——— What does ‘leprous hide’ mean \ suggest?    (WBTA -24, 200, 205, 309, 315, 380) 

Ans: The phrase ‘leprous hide’ suggests \ means rough, bare and spotted bark of the tree.

6) What is meant by ‘miniature boughs’?      (WBTA -227, 234 ) 

Ans: ‘Miniature boughs’ refers to very small types of boughs.

7) What does the poet mean by ‘anchoring earth’ ?       (WBTA – 29, 184 ) ***

Ans: The phrase ‘anchoring earth’ refers to the root of the tree which goes deep inside the earth to hold it properly.

8) “The strength of the tree exposed”——- What is the strength of the tree? (WBTA -29, 438) 

  Ans: Thestrength of the tree is its root which is its preserver and protector

“The source”——- What is the source of the tree? (WBTA &ABTA)  ***  (WBTA -306) 

Ans: The source of the tree is its root which is its preserver and protector.

9) “The source” —– How is the source of the tree and where is this kept?  (WBTA -452) 

Ans: The source of the tree is white and wet, secret and sensitive and it is kept under the earth.

10) “And the strength of the tree exposed”—– When is the strength of the tree exposed? (WBTA -26, 192) 

Ans: The strength of the tree is exposed when it is pulled out entirely with its roots.

11) “And then it is done”—– What does the expression suggest?             (WBTA -344,394)  )  ***

Ans: Here the expression suggests that the final act of killing a tree is complete.

12) “The bleeding bark will heal”—— How does a bleeding bark heal up?      (WBTA -315) 

Ans: When curled green twigs rise from the tree trunk that is close to the ground , a bleeding bark will heal up.

13) “The bleeding bark will heal”— What do you mean by bleeding bark?       (WBTA -266, 421, 438 )  ***

Ans: The phrase ‘bleeding bark’ suggests the wounded bark which is chopped off by the jab of knife.

14) What is the most sensitive part of the tree? (WBTA -32, 380, 401, 409, 443, 470) 

Ans: The most sensitive part of a tree is its root.

15) How long does it take to kill a tree?

Ans: It takes much time to kill a tree.

                   Long Answer Type Questions                                         Mark-6

1) “And then it is done”—– What does ‘it’ refer to here? When ‘it’ is done? How ‘it’ is done? [ 1+1+4 ]

Ans: Here ‘it’ refers that the final act of killing a tree is complete.

                        After exposing the root into the sun and air, it gets tanned and scorched, twisted and withered. Then it finally kills the tree.

            The poet suggests that a simple jab of knife does not kill a tree. Nor the ‘hack and chop’ kills it altogether. Its bleeding bark heal up soon and expand again to its former size. For the completion of killing process the life-supporting root of the tree has to be pulled out completely from the earth’s cave. Then it is to be exposed to the sun and air for scorching, choking, hardening, browning and withering. Passing through these process a tree is finally killed.

2) “The bleeding bark will heal”—– When does the bark bleed? How does the tree heal itself? [1+5 ]

Ans:   The phrase ‘bleeding bark’ suggests the wounded bark. When the barks of a tree are chopped off, the tree bleeds.

                        Even after being hacked and chopped a tree does not die. It feels pain but its roots lie intact. It has strength enough to revive. Curled green twigs grow out of the part of the tree that lies close to the ground. These green twigs slowly grow into miniature boughs. If the growth of these boughs is not checked, they will get back to the former size of the tree.

3) “But this alone won’t do it”— What does ‘this’ refer to? Why won’t ‘this’ alone do it? What is needed to done to do ‘it’ completely? [ 1+1+4 ]

 Ans: Here ‘this’ refers to the process of hacking and chopping.

                        Chopping and hacking will give pain but will not kill the tree because it has enough strength to revive.

[ 1st Question এর last paragraph ]


                                                                                       Change the voice

i) It takes much time to kill a tree. (ABTA)                                            

ii) Hack and chop. ABTA)

iii) Not a simple jab of knife will do it.                                               

 iv) But this alone won’t do it.

v) The root is to be pulled out.                                                            

   vi) Nature, keep him warm. (ABTA)

vii) And the it is done. (WBTA)


i) It takes much time to kill a tree.  [ Negative / Complex ]  (WBTA)             

i) It has grown slowly.       [ Negative ] (WBTA)

iii) Miniature boughs if unchecked will expand.   [ Negative ]

iv) The bleeding bark will heal.   [ Interrogative ]               

  v) Not a simple jab of knife will do it.[ Interrogative ] (ABTA)

vi) The bleeding bark will heal.   [ Split ]                                                      

 vii) It has grown slowly.    [ Use Noun form ]

viii) The bleeding bark will healing.   [ heal / heel/ heals

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