Macbeth Questions Answers||Class 11||Rapid Reader Chapter 5||WBCHSE

আজ আমরা Class 11 -এর English Text Book B -এর Rapid Reader , Chapter 5 -এর Macbeth গল্পটির Questions Answers আলোচনা করে নেব । এক এক করে সব কটি চ্যাপ্টার আলোচিতহবে । এগুলির প্রশ্নোত্তর ও পর পর দেওয়া হবে ।
Chapter 5 of Class 11 English Text Book B named Rapid Reader , Questions Answers of Macbeth are discussed.
Dear Students, পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির সেরা ঠিকানা, আজ আমরা আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এসেছি Macbeth Questions Answers. নিচে Post টি যত্নসহকারে পড়ুন ও জ্ঞানভাণ্ডার বৃদ্ধি করুন। নিয়মিত বিনামূল্যে পড়াশোনা করতে এবং নোটস, সাজেশান, প্রশ্ন উত্তর ইত্যাদি স্টাডি ম্যাটেরিয়াল PDF আকারে বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করতে এবং ভিডিও ক্লাস করতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন।
Macbeth Questions Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
1) Duncan was the king of —- a) Ireland, b) England, c) Scotland, d) Finland.
Ans: c) Scotland
2) Macbeth and Banquo met the witches at a —– a) forest, b) heath, c) land, d) hill.
Ans: b) heath
3) Duncan’s elder son was —– a) Malcom, b) Macbeth, c) Donalbin, d) Macduff.
Ans: a) Malcom
4) The third witch hailed Macbeth as —- a) “thane of Glamis”, b) “future king of Scotland”, c) “thane of Cowdor”, d) “thane of England”.
Ans: b) “future king of Scotland”
5) Macbeth murdered Duncan with —- a) a knife, b) a bullet, c) a dragger, d) poison.
Ans: c) a dragger
6) Fleance was —- a) Macbeth’s son, b) Duncan’s son, c) Banquo’s son, d) Macduff’s son.
Ans: c) Banquo’s son
7) The near kings man of Duncan was —- a) Macbeth, b) Banquo, c) Donalbin, d) Fleance.
Ans: a) Macbeth
8) Macbeth was the thane of —– a) Glamis, b) Fife, c) Cowdor, d) Scotland.
Ans: a) Glamis
9) Macduff was the thane of —— a) Glamis, b) Fife, c) Cowdor, d) Scotland.
Ans: b) Fife
10) Macbeth’s death was destined in the hands of —— a) a hero, b) normally born man, c) spirit, d) an untimely born man.
Ans: an untimely born man.
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11) Lady Macbeth committed suicide as she was suffering from —- a) remorse of guilt, b) somnambulism c) fear of Malcom’s army, d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’.
Ans: d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
12) At the end Macbeth was killed by —- a) Malcom, b) Macduff, c) Fleance, d) Donalbin.
Ans: b) Macduff
13) The first witch greeted Macbeth as —– a) “thane of Glamis”, b) “future king of Scotland”, c) “thane of Cowdor”, d) “thane of England”.
Ans: a) “thane of Glamis
14) The ghost of Banquo occupied —— a) Macbeth’s seat, b) Macbeth’s palace, c) Macbeth’s bed, d) Macbeth’s table.
Ans: a) Macbeth’s seat
15) Macduff’s wife and children were killed by —– a) Macbeth, b) Banquo, c) Donalbin, d) Fleance.
Ans: a) Macbeth
16) The name of Macbeth’s castle was —– a) Inferno, b) Inferness, c) Inverness, d) Inscape.
Ans: c) Inverness
17) Macbeth became the king of —– a) Scotland, b) England, c) Fife, d) Cowdor.
Ans: a) Scotland
18) After Duncan’s murder Donalbin fled to —- a) Ireland, b) England, c) Scotland, d) Fife.
Ans: a) Ireland
19) Lady Macbeth could not kill Duncan because —— a) he resembled her father, b) she was afraid, c) she was excited, d) she loved Duncan.
Ans: a) he resembled her father
20) Lady Macbeth was killed by —- a) herself, b) Banquo, c) Macbeth, d) Macduff.
Ans: —- a) herself
21) Duncan was impressed by Lady Macbeth’s —- a) generosity, b) hospitality, c) beauty, d) good behaviour.
Ans: b) hospitality
22) The three witch looked like—– a) charming ladies, b) queens, c) unearthly creatures, d) mad creatures.
Ans: c) unearthly creatures
23) The first spirit appeared before Macbeth in the form of —— a) an armed head, b) a bloody child, c) a crowned child, d) a toad.
Ans: a) an armed head
24) The second spirit appeared before Macbeth in the form of —— a) an armed head, b) a bloody child, c) a crowned child, d) a toad.
Ans: b) a bloody child
25) The third spirit appeared before Macbeth in the form of —— a) an armed head, b) a bloody child, c) a crowned child, d) a toad.
Ans: c) a crowned child
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26) Duncan was — (a) a cruel King, (b) a benevolent King, (c)a foolish King, (d) a tyrant King.
Ans: (b) a benevolent King,
27) The weird sisters had — (a) balded head, (b) moustache, c) beards, (d) wings.
Ans: c) beards
28) Macbeth was a near kinsman to — (a) Banquo, (b) Duncan, (c) Malcolm, (d) Fleance.
Ans: (b) Duncan
29) The witches spoke to Macbeth and Banquo in —(2) plain words, (b) flowery language, (c) weird language, (d) riddling terms.
Ans: (d) riddling terms.
30) The prophecy of the witches inflamed Macbeth with — (a) discourage, (b) despair, (c) ambition, (d) frustration.
Ans: , (c) ambition,
31) Macbeth employed murderers to kill — (a) Fleance, (b) Banquo, (c) both Banquo and Fleance, (d) Malcolm and Donatbain.
Ans: (c) both Banquo and Fleance,
32) Banquo was murdered by — (a) Macbeth, (b) Macduff, (c) Lady Macbeth, (d) the assassins.
Ans: (d) the assassins.
33) Macbeth began to envy the condition of — (a) Fleance, (b) Malcolm, (c) Duncan, (d) Banquo.
Ans: (c) Duncan
34) After Duncan’s murder, the entire suspicion fell upon — (a) Macbeth, (b) Lady Macbeth, (c) Banquo, (d) the grooms.
Ans: (a) Macbeth,
35) The ghost of Banquo was visible to — (a) Macbeth only, (b) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, (c) the chief thanes and Macbeth, (d) none.
Ans: (a) Macbeth only
36) Lady Macbeth accused her husband of — (a) fickleness, (b) cowardice, (c) fickleness and cowardice, (d) indifference.
Ans: (c) fickleness and cowardice.
37) Macbeth could not pronounce the word — (a) Amen, (b) Christ, (c) God, (d) Murder.
38) Macduff had fled to — (a) England, (b) Ireland, (c) Scotland, (d) Greenland.
Ans: (a) Amen
39) Lady Macbeth was — (a) an ambitious woman, (b) a sympathetic woman, (c) a good natured woman.
Ans: (a) an ambitious woman
40) Duncan’s murder was discovered —(a) in the morning, (b) at midnight, (c) in the afternoon, (d) in the evening.
Ans: —(a) in the morning
41) The person who first entered the King’s room to murder him, was — (a) Banquo, (b) Lady Macbeth, (c) Malcolm, (d) Macbeth.
Ans: (b) Lady Macbeth,
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Long Answer Type questions
1) Describe the feelings and thoughts of Macbeth before murdering Duncan. /
Describe the murder / dragger scene . / Or
How did Macbeth kill Duncan? [ 5 ]
Ans: Macbeth was constantly being incited by Lady Macbeth to kill Duncan. Macbeth proceeded towards the king’s chamber. But he had a lot of hesitations. Duncan was his kinsman and guest of him. He thought that his honour would be stained if he committed such sinful act. At this point he sighted a dragger in air which was vision of his tortured conscience. He was scared but soon he collected himself. With one stroke of the dragger he finally killed Duncan.
2) Why did Macbeth go to meet the witches for the second time? What did he learn from the witches? [ 2+3 ]
Ans: The witches predicted that Banquo’s son would be the kings of Scotland. After killing Duncan Macbeth decided to seek out of the witches to know what was in store for him.
The witches called the infernal in different forms. The first of them cautioned Macbeth against Macduff, the thane of Fife. Macbeth learned from the second spirit that none of woman born should have power to hurt Macbeth. Finally the third spirit told Macbeth that he should never be vanquished until the wood of Birnam to Dunsinane hill should come against him.
3) Comment on the character of Lady Macbeth.
Ans: Lady Macbeth was a highly ambitious woman. She wanted her husband to be crowned. For this she went against her very womanly nature. She persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan against his will. When Duncan’s murder was discovered she made a great show of grief. At the grand supper Macbeth lost his mental balance seeing the ghost of Banquo. Then she managed the situation. Later she committed suicide as she was unable to bear remorse of guilt and public hatred. At this shows that Lady Macbeth was resolute woman who assured herself by her imperious will force.
The End
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