We Are Seven Questions Answers Class 7 Lesson 3

Class 7 এর Lesson 3 এর We Are seven , পদ্যটির প্রতিটি Questions Answers আলোচনা করা হল। । Questions Answers -এর PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য ।
We Are Seven of Class 7 Lesson 3 ,all Question Answers are discussed & PDF for downloading.
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We Are Seven Questions Answers
Activity -1
Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:
(a) The little girl whom the poet met was
(i) seven
(ii) eight
(iii) nine years old.
Ans: (i) seven
(b) The girl lost
(i) two brothers
(ii) two sisters
(iii) a brother and a sister.
Ans: (iii) a brother and a sister.
(c) The distance between her house and the burial ground was only
(i) twelve steps
(ii) ten steps
(iii) six steps.
Ans: (i) twelve steps
Activity -2
Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers:
(a) The little girl was good-looking. ( )
Ans: True
Supporting Statement: Her beauty made me glad.
(b) Five of her brothers and sisters were dead. ( )
Ans: False
Supporting Statement: “But they are dead; those two are dead!
(c) The graves were covered with green grass. ( )
Ans: True
Supporting Statement: “Their graves are green, they may be seen,”
Also Read: Revision Lesson
Also Read: The Book Of Nature
Also Read: The Riddle
Also Read: We are Seven
Also Read: The Beauty and the Beast
Also Read: Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture
Activity -3
Find words from the poem that rhyme with the given words:
curl: _______ ; head : ______ ; air : ______; clad :_________ ; be : ________ ;
tell : _____ laid: ;heaven: _______
Curl : girl
Head: dead
Air: : fair
Clad: glad
Be : me
Tell : dwell
Laid: maid
Heaven: seven
Activity- 4
Answer the following questions :
(a) Pick out the expressions that describe the appearance of the girl.
Ans: The expression that describes the appearance of the girl are: ‘a simple child’ , ‘lightly draws its breath’, ‘life in every breath’, ‘curl’, ‘clustered’, ‘wildly clad’, ‘her eyes were fair’ .
(b) With whom did the girl live?
Ans: The girl lived with her mother in the churchyard cottage.
(c) What does the girl say about her living brothers and sisters?
Ans: The girl says that two of her brothers live at Conway and other two have gone to sea.
(d) Why does the girl say, “We are seven”?
Ans: The little girl does not know the difference between the living and the dead. She cannot understand that her one brother and a sister are dead. That is why she says that they are seven.
Activity -5
Make sentences with the following words :
dwell, clustered, rustic, grave, maid
Dwell : My grandparents dwell in a small village.
Clustered : The crowd clustered at the stadium.
Rustic : I love the rustic people.
Grave : They visited the grave of Akbar.
Maid : The little maid charmed the poet.
Also Read: The Vagabond
Also Read: Mowgli Among the Wolves
Also Read: The Story of Proserpine
Also Read: JC Bose a Beautiful Mind
Activity- 6
Make sentences with the following pairs of homonyms:
met- mate; hair-hare; wonder- wander; two-to;
Met : I met my friend on my way to market.
mate : Rahul is a play mate of Raja.
Hair: My father has curly hair.
Hare: Rajesh saw a hare in the jungle.
Wonder: He wonders to see the lake.
Wander: The old man wonders alone in the field.
Two: Riya has two brothers.
To: They are going to Puri.
There: She went there with her parents.
Their : I went to their house yesterday.
The End
Also Read: The Echoing Green
Also Read: The Axe
Also Read: My diary
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