The Sick Rose by William Blake Bengali Meaning and Analysis || WBCHSE Class XI The Sick Rose Questions and Answers With Grammar

The Sick Rose by William Blake Bengali Meaning and Analysis || WBCHSE Class XI The Sick Rose Questions and Answers With Grammar: ক্লাস 11 -এর তৃতীয় পদ্যাংশ William Blake-এর লেখা The Sick Rose, এর সম্পূর্ন বাংলা অর্থ দেওয়া হল গুরুত্বপূর্ন শব্দের উচ্চারন সহ । । এই পাঠটির PDF ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে হলে নীচে দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটলে ক্লিক করুন । ক্লাস 11 এর অনান্য কবিতাও এক ক্লিকে পাবেন ।, তার সাথে তিন ধরনের প্রশ্ন ও গ্রামারের লিস্টও করা আছে । কবিতাটির প্রশ্নোত্তর সহ PDF ফাইল নীচে দেওয়া আছে ।

The Sick Rose by William Blake Bengali Meaning and Analysis || WBCHSE Class XI The Sick Rose Questions and Answers With Grammar

The Sick Rose

                                                                               – William Blake

[ i ]

O Rose, thou1   art    sick2                  

 = ওগো গোলাপ, তুমি পীড়িত /শীর্ন / মুমুর্ষু      (1.- দাউ; 2. – সিক)

The invisible3 worm4                                                   

    =অদৃশ্য কোনো কীট    (3.- ইনভিসিবেল; 4. – ওরম)

That   flies in the night,

= যেটা উড়ে বেড়ায় রাতের অন্ধকারে ,
   In the howling storm5

=গর্জনমুখর ঝড়ে ,                (5.- হাউলিং স্ট্রম;)

[ ii ] 

Has  found out thy6   bed                     

  = খুঁজে পেয়েছে তোমার শয্যা ,                (6.- দাই )
       Of crimson7 joy

    =গাড় লাল / রক্তলাল আনন্দের (শয্যা),          (7- ক্রিমশন;)

And his dark  secret8 love

  =এবং তার গম্ভীর / অন্ধ গোপন প্রেম ,           (8.- সিক্রেট;)

Does  thy     life destroy9.

   =তোমার জীবনকে নষ্ট / ধ্বংস করে ,          (9.- ডেসট্রয়;)

    **************** ০০০০০০০০০০০০০০০০ ***********


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Multiple Choice  questions          [ Mark- 1 ]

1)The poem ‘The Sick Rose’ is written by… a) William Wordsworth, b) William Blake,  c) Octavia Paz , d) H.W. Longfellow.

2) The poem ‘The Sick Rose’ is taken from……..  a) Songs of Experience, b) Songs of innocence, c) Selected Poems, d) Voice of Experience.

3) The rhyme scheme of the poem ‘The Sick Rose’ is…… a) ABCB, b) ABAB, c) ABCD, d) ABCC.

4) The poem ‘The Sick Rose’ is a …… a) dramatic lyric, b) narrative poem, c) dramatic lyric, d) sonnet.

5) Who is the speaker in the poem ‘The Sick Rose’…….  a) William Blake, b) poet persona, c) voice of experience, d) the worm.

6) “O Rose, thou art sick!”….. here the word ‘thou’ means….. a) he, b) she, c) I , d) you.

7)”O Rose, thou art sick!”….. the poet here uses ….. a) apostrophe, b) simile, c) personification, d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’.

8)The rose is widely accepted as a symbol of…….  a) love, b) sorrow, c) beauty, d) passion.

9) How does Blake present the worm? …. a) an evil , b) as dark and turbulent, c) as a passionate lover, d) as a pest.

10) The rose is sick with……. a) shame, b) joy, c) tiredness, d) weariness.

11) The word ‘invisible’ describes…….  a) the worm, b) the rose, c) bed, d) experience.

12) The ‘howling storm’ energies ……… a) worm, b) rose, c) love d) corruption.

13) The worm is a symbol of…….. a) creative force, b) destructive force, c) goodness, d) love.

14) The worm crept into the rose bed……… a) in the morning, b) at noon, c) on a stormy night, d) in the evening.

15) The dark secret love destroys the life of ……. a) the worm, b) the rose, c) the poet, d) any lover.

16) “ In the howling storm “ – The storm howls when …… a) the rose blooms, b) the worm flies, c) the rose dies, d) the worm leaves the rose .

17) The worm has found out the bed of the rose and felt …… a) sorry, b) gloomy, c)happy , d) ashamed .

18) “ Does thy life destroy . “ Life is destroyed by …… a) the worm, b) the rose itself, c) the sun , d) the invisible force of destiny destroys the life of the rose .

19) The bed of the rose is ‘ crimson ‘ because the rose …… a) bleeds by the worm’s bite, b) is red in colour, c) shelters the worm, d) is sun bathed .

20) “ …. Has found out thy bed of crimson joy “ …. a) simile, b) metaphor, c) oxymoron, d) transferred epithet.

21) “ And his dark secret love / does thy life destroy ,” What does ‘dark’ stand for ? … a) innocence, b) experience, c) dawn, d) night.

22) Rose’s life is destroyed by …. a) the worm’s secret love, b) the worm’s dark secret love, c) the worm’s love, d) the worm’s lady-love.

23) What does innocence go side by side with….. a) experience, b) beauty, c) truth, d) poetry.

24) The word ‘art’ means……. a) were, b) her, c) are, d) you.

                     Objective Type  questions          [ Mark- 1 ]

1) What sickens the rose ? / How is the rose sicken ?/ Why is the rose sick?

Ans: The invisible worm sickens the rose.

2) When does the worm fly ?

Ans: The worm flies at stormy night.

3) “The invisible worm”….. Why is the worm called invisible ?

Ans: The worm is called invisible because it remains invisible in deep darkness of night.

4) “Of crimson joy”….. What does the phrase suggest?

Ans: The phrase suggests that the worm feels a sense of joy as the rose bleeds at every bite of the worm.

5) “And his dark secret love”…… Why is the love called dark and secret?

Ans: The love is called ‘dark’ and ‘secret’ because this love of the worm leads  the rose to death and decay.

6) What does the ‘dark secret love’ of the worm do to the rose?

Ans: The dark secret love of the worm leads the rose to death and decay.

7) What does rose signify / symbolize/stand for?

Ans: The rose signifies/ symbolizes /stands for innocence and love.

8) What colour is the rose’s joy?

Ans: The colour of rose’s joy is crimson.

9) What has the worm found?

Ans:  The worm has found the bed of rose.

10) How has the storm been described in the poem ‘The Sick Rose’?

Ans:  In the poem the sick rose the storm has been described as howling.

                           Descriptive Type      [ Mark- 5 ]

1) Give the substance of the poem “The Sick Rose”.      / Or

Discuss the allegorical reference of the poem “The Sick Rose”.

Ans: ‘The Sick Rose’ is one of the most remarkable allegorical poem of William Blake. The poem focuses on the sickness of the rose with a hidden message.

                             The poet is deeply despaired to see the rose sickening. On a stormy night an invisible worm flies and creeps into the rose. It finds its home in the bosom of the rose. It is the nature of a worm to attack and destroy anything with its biting. Soon its fatal bite makes the flower bleed. The bed is filled with blood and worm is lost in joy. The rose knows not the danger it invites by sheltering the worm. It cannot free itself from the dark secret love of the worm. Hence the rose is now on the verge of destruction loosing all its purity and splendour. 

                                                          As a symbolic poem, it has a deeper meaning. The rose has always been a conventional symbol love. On the other hand the worm symbolizes death , decay and experience. Innocence sweetens life, love and beauty ennobles it. But innocence is destroyed by experience and beauty by jealousy. Thus the poet shows that ignorant man like the rose is tempted by experience. He falters and pains. Robbed off all fineness, man meets spiritual death.

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Change the Voice

i) An invisible worm has found out thy bed of crimson joy.

ii) His dark secret love does thy life destroy.

Use Relative Clause

i) The invisible worm flies in the night.


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