Meeting at Night by Robert Browning Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Meeting at Night Questions and Answers With Grammar

Meeting at Night by Robert Browning Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Meeting at Night Questions and Answers With Grammar: ক্লাস 11 -এর দ্বিতীয় পদ্যাংশ Robert Browning-এর লেখা Meeting at Night, এর সম্পূর্ন বাংলা অর্থ দেওয়া হল গুরুত্বপূর্ন শব্দের উচ্চারন সহ । । এই পাঠটির PDF ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে হলে নীচে দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটলে ক্লিক করুন । ক্লাস 11 এর অনান্য কবিতাও এক ক্লিকে পাবেন ।

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Meeting at Night by Robert Browning Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Meeting at Night Questions and Answers With Grammar

Meeting at Night

                          – Robert Browning

[ i ]

The grey  sea   and   the long black  land;

= ধূসর সমুদ্র  আর দীর্ঘ  /  বিস্তৃত অন্ধকার স্থলভাগ /  ভূমি ; 
And the yellow  half-moon large and low;

= এবং হলদেটে আধখানা চাঁদ  প্রশস্থ ( বড় ) এবং নীচু ;
And the startled little waves that leap

=  এবং চমকিত ( চমকে ওঠা ) ছোট ঢেউগুলি লাফাচ্ছে 
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,

= তাদের নিদ্রা থেকে জেগে অগ্নিময় কুঞ্চিত রূপে ,
As   I   gain the cove with pushing  prow,

= নৌকার অগ্রভাগ ঠেলে আমি পৌঁছাই খাঁড়িতে  /  মোহনায় , 
And   quench      its  speed i’ the slushy sand.

= এবং ভিজে নরম  ( কাদা মাখা ) বালিতে এর গতি কমে  / প্রশমিত হয়

[ ii ]

Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;

= এরপর একমাইল উষ্ণ সমুদ্রের গন্ধে ভরা বেলাভূমি  / সমুদ্র সৈকত ;
Three fields to cross till  a    farm  appears;

= তিনটি মাঠ পার হয়ে শেষ পর্যন্ত দেখাযায় একটা খামারবাড়ি /  গোলাবাড়ি । 
 A     tap  at the pane,  the quick  sharp  scratch

=  শার্সিতে একটা মৃদুটোকা , দ্রুত তীক্ষ্ণ আঁচড়   
And blue spurt of a lighted    match,

= এবং জ্বলন্ত / আলোকিত দেশলাইের নীল স্ফুলিঙ্গ
And  a   voice less loud, thro’ its    joys and fears,

= আনন্দ ও উদ্বেগের অস্ফুট / নিচু একটা কণ্ঠস্বর,
Than the two hearts beating each to each

= দুটি হৃদয়ের পরস্পরের স্পন্দনের চেয়ে  ।

Also Read: The Sick Rose

Also Read: Brotherhood

Also Read: Daybreak


Multiple Choice  Questions                                      [ Mark- 1 ]

1) The poem ‘Meeting at Night’ is written by ….. a) William Wordsworth, b) William Blake,  c) Octavia Paz , d) Robert Browning.

2) The source of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ is …….    a) Men and Women,  b) Paracelsus , c) Dramatic Romance and Lyrics,   d) The Last Ride Together.

3) The poem ‘Meeting at Night’ is a ………. a) Sonnet,  b) soliloquy c) dramatic Lyric, d) dramatic monologue.

4) ‘Meeting at Night’ is a poem on …….  a) nature, b) love, iii) war, d) elegy.

5) In the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ the meeting took place between…… a) a lover and his beloved,  b) poet and his friend , c) poet and his reader, d) none..

6)The lover in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ undertook his perilous journey in the …..  a) field, b) sea,  c) valley, d) beach.

7) The rhyme scheme of the first six lines of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ is …….  a) ABCCBA, b) ABCABC, c) AABBCC, d) ABACAB.

8) The rhyme scheme of the last six lines of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ is ……. a) DEFFED, b) DEFDEF, c) DDEEFF, c) DEFFGD. 

9) The first stanza of the poem ‘ Meeting at Night’ captures ……. a) secret journey, b) excitement of the secret journey, c) excitement of the journey, d) excitement of the meeting.

10) The last stanza of the poem  ‘Meeting at Night’ captures……. a) anticipation of the meeting, b) fulfillment of the meeting, b) anticipation and fulfillment of the meeting. d) none.

11) In the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ the sea is described as ….. a) green, b) black, c) yellow, d) grey.

12) In the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ the land is described as……. a) green, b) black, c) yellow, d) grey.

13) In the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ the moon is described as……. a) green, b) black, c) yellow, d) grey.

14) In the poem ‘Meeting at Night’ the journey happens at …….  a) day, b) night, c) morning, d) evening.

15) When the lover sailed out, the sea was……  a) calm, b) violent, c) sleepy, d) turbulent.

16) “And the startled little waves that leap”……the little waves are startled because of the …..a) tide, b) storm, c) movements of the ship, d) presence of the moon.

17) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow,”……. here the word ‘gain’ means…….. a) coin , b) reach, c) obtain, d) acquire.

18) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow,”…… here the word ‘prow’ means…..a) pointed front part of a boat, b) boat, c) claws, d) all of the above.

18) “And the startled little waves that leap”……… the little waves leap…… a) in fiery ringlets, b) in fiery curls, c) in fiery height, d) in fiery light.

19)The speaker in the poem “Meeting at Night” under takes a long journey to……..a) meet his parents, b) meet his beloved, c) to discover a new land, d) none of the above.

20)The beloved of the speaker in the poem “Meeting at Night” lives ……a) near the sea, b) in the sea beach, c) a mile away from sea, c) in a field.

21) The speaker in the poem “Meeting at Night” meets his beloved …….a) in a field, b) in a farmhouse, c) on the sea beach, d) near the bay.

22) The sea beach in the poem “Meeting at Night” is ………a) cold, b) warm and scented, c) hot and sandy, d) cold and sea-scented.

23) The sea-beach in the poem “Meeting at Night” is …….. a) four miles wide, b) two miles wide, c) one mile wide, d) three miles wide.

24) In the poem “Meeting at Night”  the speaker reached the firm house after crossing……  a) two fields, b) one field, c) three fields, d) four fields

25) The lover in the poem “Meeting at Night”  announces his arrival by …… a) lighting a match, b) by tapping on window pane, c) by opening the door, d) all of the them.

26) “And blue spurt”…….  the spurt comes from… a) the moon, b) the match, c) lightning, d) torch.    

27) “And a voice less loud, thro’ its joys and fears,”… the ‘voice’ refers to the voice of……. a) the lover, b) the beloved , c) wind, d) the sea.

Objective Type  questions          [ Mark- 1 ]

1) How does the sea look like when the lover begins his journey ?

Ans: The sea looks grey when the lover begins his journey.

2) How does the land look like when the lover begins his journey ?

Ans: The land looks black when the lover begins his journey.

3) How does the moon look like when the lover begins his journey ?

Ans: The moon looks yellow when the lover begins his journey.

4) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow”……. What does the line suggest?

Ans: The line suggests that the poet reaches the cove pushing the bent part of his boat.

5) Where does the lover anchor his boat in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’?

Ans: In the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ the lover anchors his boat in the slushy sand of the cove.

6) “And startled little waves that leap”…….. Why are the waves startled?

Ans: The waves are startled because of the movement of the boat of the lover.

7) “And startled little waves that leap”…….. How do startled little waves leap?

Ans:  The startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets.

8) What do the startled little waves do after being waken up from their sleep?

Ans:  The startled little waves leap in fiery ringlets after being waken up from their sleep.

9) “In fiery ringlets from their sleep” ……… Who woke from their sleep and how?

Ans: The startled little waves woke from their sleep by leaping in fiery ringlets.

10) How many fields had the lover to cross to meet his beloved?

Ans: The lover in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ had to cross three fields to meet his beloved.

11) Where did the beloved of the lover in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ live ?

Ans:  The lover in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ lived in a farm house.

12) “And  blue spurt” ……. Where did the blue spurt come from ?

Ans: The blue spurt came from a lighted match.

13) “Than two hearts beating each to each”…….. Whose hearts are referred to here?

Ans: The lover and his beloved’s hearts are referred to here.

14) How does the lover of the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ announce his arrival?

Ans: The lover of the poem ‘Meeting At Night’ announces his arrival by tapping on the pan.

15) How is sea when the lover sails out?

Ans: When the lover sails out, the sea is calm and looks gray.

16) Why does the lover in “Meeting At Night” tap at the pan?

Ans:  The lover taps at the pan to announce his arrival.

17) How does the beloved response at the announcement of the arrival of the lover?

Ans: The beloved makes a light and utters a suppressed sound in response.

18) “Than the two hearts beating each to each” …. What does the line suggest?

Ans:  The line suggests that two hearts are united in supreme moment of love.

Also Read: Leela’s Friend

Also Read: Karma

Also Read: Jimmy Valentine

Descriptive Type      [ Mark- 5 ]

1)Give the substance of the poem “Meeting at Night”.   / Or

Describe the journey of the lover for meeting in the poem “Meeting at Night”

Ans:  “Meeting at Night” is an excellent dramatic lyric of Browning. The poem represents a lover’s journey to meet his beloved secretly both through sea and land.

                                            In the darkness of the night the lover travels by a boat through the sea. The sea is gray and the moon is not in full splendor. He encounters the startled waves that break into fiery ringlets. After a long journey the boat is finally anchored in the sandy shore. Then he walks a mile on the beach and crosses three fields. Animated with expectation he finally stands at the door of his beloved. There he taps at the window pane. His beloved responses by lighting a match within. Tossing by the joy and fear he hears a whisper. This voice fades away in the beating of their hearts in extreme excitements.

                        Thus the poem shows how love energies the lover to overcome the barriers of time and place. 

2) Pick out the details that make the entire journey and meeting secretive.

Ans: Browning’s poem “Meeting at Night” centers round a lover’s journey to meet his lady love secretly. The entire poem has a sense of secrecy painted in rich imageries.

                        In this poem the lover is keen to meet his beloved. In the darkness of the night he travels by a boat through the sea. The darkness and night are the symbols of secrecy. The images of ‘yellow half- moon and black land’ creates a perfect atmosphere for secret meeting for the lover. After reaching on the shore he walks through three fields to reach the farm to his beloved. Here the poet again creates a nocturnal atmosphere with silence and darkness for emphasizing the sense of secrecy. The silence is so reformed that even a sharp scratch of match or a gentle tap on the window plane is clearly heard. The darkness is so intense that the blue light of the match is visible. Besides the whispering of the beloved of the lover also indicates the sense of secrecy.  

Also Read: Commercial Leaflets


Join with Relative clause

i) I crossed a mile of beach. The beach smelt of the sea.

ii) The moon rose in the sky. It was large and low.

iii) I lighted the match. The match gave out blue flame.

Change the Voice

a) I gain the cove with pushing prow.

b) I quench its speed in the slushy sand.

Change the Sentences

i) I gain the cove with pushing prow.  ( change into complex )

ii) I quench its speed in the slushy sand.  ( change into complex )

iii) Three miles to cross till a firm appears     ( Use noun form ).

iv) The stratled little waves leap in fiery ringlets.     ( Use noun form )


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