Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Questions and Answers With Grammar

Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Questions and Answers With Grammar: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge কবিতাটির সম্পূর্ন বাংলাতে আলোচনা করা আছে , তার সাথে তিন ধরনের প্রশ্ন ও গ্রামারের লিস্টও করা আছে । কবিতাটির প্রশ্নোত্তর সহ PDF ফাইল নীচে দেওয়া আছে ।
The poem, Composed Upon Westminster Bridge is discussed in details with word by word Bengali meaning with MCQ type questions, Very short answer type questions, long answer type questions & grammar. Line by line explanation, pdf, Bengali meaning
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Questions and Answers With Grammar
Composed Upon the Westminster Bridge
– William Wordsworth
Earth has not anything to show more fair1:
= এই পৃথিবীতে এর চেয়ে সুন্দর দৃশ্য আর নেই (1.- ফেয়ার)
Dull2 would he be of soul3 who could pass by
= যে এই দৃশ্যকে উপেক্ষা করে চলে যেতে পারে , সে অনুভূতিহীন / নিঃর্বোধ / হৃদয়হীন ।(2.- ডাল; 3.-সোল)
A sight4 so touching5 in its majesty6:
= এমন এক দৃশ্য সত্যিই এর মহিমায় মর্মস্পর্শী (4.- সাইট; 5.-টাচিং;6.-ম্যাজেস্টি)
This City now doth, like a garment7, wear8
= এই শহর যেন একটা পোশাক [ সকালের ] পরেছে (7.- গারমেন্ট; 8.-অয়ার)
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare9,
= এই নিঃস্তব্ধ সকালের অনাবিল সৌন্দর্যে ( সকালের সৌন্দর্য যা নীরব ওঅনাবৃত ) (9.- বেয়ার)
Ships, towers10, domes11, theatres12, and temples13 lie
= জাহাজ , চূড়া , গম্বুজ , নাট্যশালা এবং মন্দির রয়েছে / নিহিত (10.- টাওয়ারস;11.-ডোমস;12.-থিয়েটারস13.-টেম্পল)
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
= উন্মুক্ত আকাশ থেকে প্রান্তর পর্যন্ত ;
All bright and glittering14 in the smokeless15 air.
= ধোঁয়াহীন বাতাসে সমস্ত কিছু উজ্জ্বল ও ঝকমক করছে । (14.- গ্লিটারিং ; 15.-স্মোকলেস)
Never did sun more beautifully steep16
= কখনো সূর্য এত সুন্দরভাবে সিক্ত / পরিস্নাত করেনি । (16.- স্টিপ)
In his first splendour17, valley18, rock19, or hill ;
= তার প্রথম কিরণছটা / দীপ্তি / উজ্জ্বলতা দিয়ে উপত্যকা , শিলা বা পাহাড় কে । (17.- স্প্লেনডার;18.-ভ্যালি;19.-রক)
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm20 so deep!
= আমি কখনো দেখিওনি , অনুভবও করিনি এত গভীর নিঃস্তব্ধতা / শান্ততা । (20.- কাম)
The river glideth21 at his own sweet will:
= নদীটি বয়ে যায় নিজের মধুর ইচ্ছায় / স্বচ্ছন্দে । (21.- গ্লিডেথ)
Dear God! the very houses seem22 asleep23;
= হে ঈশ্বর , এমনকি বাড়িগুলিও মনেহচ্ছে নিদ্রাচ্ছন্ন । (22.- সিম; 22.-অ্যাস্লিপ)
And all that mighty24 heart is lying25 still!
= এবং ওই মহান প্রানকেন্দ্রটি / প্রকান্ড হৃদয়টি নিঃশ্চলভাবে শুয়ে / ঘুমিয়ে আছে । (24.- মাইটি; 25.-লায়িং)
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Multiple Choice questions [ Mark- 1 ]
1) The poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ is written by ……….. a) William Blake, b) William Wordsworth, c) Robert Browning, d) Octavio Paz.
2) The poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ is a …… a) sonnet, b) lyric, c) ode, d) ode.
3) The poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ was written on …….. a) September 13, 1802, b)September 3, 1802, c) September 23, 1802, d) September 3 18092.
4) The Westminster Bridge is in ……. a) London, b) Paris, c) New York, d) Bejing.
5) The Westminster Bridge is over the river of …… a) Nile, b) Thames, c) Ganges, d) Indus.
6) “A sight so touching in its majesty:”……… here the ‘sight’ refers to the sight of the city of ……. a) London , b) Leeds, c) Westminster, d) Paris.
7) “This City now doth, like a garment, wear”………. here ‘the city’ refers to…… . a) Leeds, b) Oval, c) London, d) Westminster.
8) “This City now doth, like a garment, wear”………. here the city wore the garment of ……….. a) morning light, b) smokeless air, c) mist, d) deep calm.
9) “ Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie”……….. here the mentioned tower is ……….. a) tower of Paris, b) tower of London, c) tower of St. Paul’s , d) tower of Westminster.
10) “ Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie”………… here the mentioned dome is …….. a) dome of London, b) dome of St. Paul’s, c) dome of Paris, d) domes of Westminster.
11) “The beauty of the morning;”……… the beauty of the morning is …….. a) Silent and fair, b) silent and bare, c) silent and smokeless air, d) fair and silent.
12) “Dull would he be of soul who could pass by”…….. here the word ‘dull’ means…..
a) heartless, b) insensible , c) spiritless, d) all.
13) “The river glideth at his own sweet will:”………. here ‘the river’ refers to……. a) the Nile, b) the Thames, c) the Ganges, d) Indus.
14) “Never did sun more beautifully steep”……… the sun steeped over ……… a) Ships, towers and domes, b) theaters, temples and field, c) valley, rock and hills, d) all.
15) “Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;”……. here the poet exclaimed ……..
a) with sorrow, b) in wonder, c) in fear, d) with joy.
16) “And all that mighty heart is lying still!”……. here the word ‘mighty heart’ refers to …….. a) the heart of a Giant, b) the heart of the city of London, d) heart of the poet.
17) “The river glideth at his own sweet will:”………. The expression ‘at his weet will’ means —- a) forcefully, b) hurriedly, c) in leisurely way, d) in a way.
18) In the poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ , the poet views the city —- a) in the morning, b) at noon, c) at night, d) in the evening,
Short Answer type Questions [ Mark- 1 ]
1) When was the poem ‘upon the Westminster Bridge’ composed?
Ans: The poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ was composed on September 3 in 1802.
2) What kind of poem is ‘upon the Westminster Bridge’ ?
Ans: The poem ‘Upon the Westminster Bridge’ is a sonnet.
3) Where is the Westminster Bridge?
Ans: The Westminster Bridge is over the river Thames in London.
4) What does the poet represent in the poem ‘upon the Westminster Bridge’ ?
Ans: in the poem ‘upon the Westminster Bridge’ the poet represents the beauty of the morning of the city of London.
5) “Earth has not anything to show more fair:”……. What is the most fair sight described here ?
Ans According to the poet the most fair sight on the earth is the sight of the city of London in early morning from the Westminster Bridge.
6) “Dull would he be of soul”……. Who would be dull and why ?
Ans: Anyone who didn’t stop to watch the beauty of London at sunrise and just passed by with a glance, would be dull or heartless. / had no heart to appreciate the beauty of Nature.
7) “A sight so touching in its majesty:” …….. Which sight is referred to here ?
Ans: Here the ‘sight’ refers to the sight of London at sunrise from the Westminster Bridge.
8) “This City now doth, like a garment, wear”…… Which garment does the city wear ?
Ans: . London wears the beauteous light of rising sun like a fine shirt or cape.
9) “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air”……….. What are glittering in the smokeless air?
Ans: Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples are all glittering in the smokeless air.
10) “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air”……….. Why is the air called ‘smokeless’ ?
Ans: The air is called ‘smokeless’ because there is neither fog nor smoke from the chimneys to obscure the air.
11) “Never did sun more beautifully steep”………. Where did the sun steep? /
Upon which did the sun cast its first splendour?
Ans: The sun steeped the valley, rock and hill. / The sun cast its first spendour over the valley, rock and hill.
12) “The river glideth at his own sweet will:”……… How does the river glideth at his own sweet will and why ? / What does the poet want to say in this expression?
Ans: The river flows gently in its own pleasure as there is no boat or steamer to create disturbances on the surface and the river Thames is not a fast-moving river.
13) “Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;”……….. Why does the poet exclaim in this way?
Ans: The exclamation shows the feeling of joy and wonder which the poet experienced after enjoying the lovely sight of London in early morning.
14) “Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;”……….. Why does the houses sleep?
Ans:The poet personifies the houses as asleep, when it’s actually the people inside the houses who are sleeping at this early hour.
15) “And all that mighty heart is lying still!”…. What is compared to a ‘mighty heart’?
Ans: London, which is the capital of the country , and center of its energies is compared to the heart. It has stopped beating and lying calm and still.
16) When did the poet view the city ? ( 2017)
Ans: The poet viewed the city in the early morning from the Westminster Bridge.
17) Which city does the poet refers to in ‘Upon Westminster Bridge?” (2014)
Ans: In the poem “Upon Westminster Bridge” the poet refers the city of London.
18) What is the feeling that the poet experiences that he has never had before? (2016)
Ans: The poet experiences a calm so deep that he has never had before.
19) How does Wordsworth describe the air in the city? ( 2016)
Ans: Wordsworth describes the air as smokeless in the city.
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Descriptive Type [ Mark- 5 ]
1) Give the substance of the poem “Upon the Westminster Bridge”. / Or
Describe the beauty of the nature as described in the poem “Upon the Westminster Bridge”. / Or
Narrate briefly How London and its objects are described in the poem “Upon the Westminster Bridge”.
Ans: “Upon the Westminster Bridge” is one of the most delightful sonnets of Wordsworth. The poem steeped in the calm and serene aspect of Nature. It centers round the magnificent sight of London Which he held from Westminster Bridge.
While crossing over the Westminster Bridge, the poet is delighted to see the sight of London in the light of morning sun. The sight excels any other beautiful scene on the earth. He who remains untouched by such a grand sight is heartless. Now the city is clothed in the bright light of the morning sun as with a garment. Ships, towers, domes, theaters and churches can now be seen in the midst of silence and calmness of the earth. As the air is free from smoke, all objects of the city look bright and shining. The rays of the rising sun fell beautifully on the valleys, rocks and hills. The poet has not experienced such a quietness in the atmosphere at any other day. The Thames is moving freely without being disturbed by boats or ships. The poet thanks God for this benign gift .The mighty heart of London is lying calm and quite as the din and bustle of the day has not been started yet.
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Voice Change
i) Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep.
ii) The city now wears the beauty of the morning.
i) The very houses seem asleep. [ Complex / Negative ]
ii) Earth has not anything to show more fair. [ Turn into positive degree / superlative ]
iii) Earth has not anything to show more fair. [ Affirmative / Interrogative]
iv) The beauty of the morning; silent, bare. [ Use noun form ]
v) Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep. [ Split ]
vi) And all that mighty heart is lying still. [ Complex ]
vii) All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. ( complex )
viii) The very houses seem asleep. ( use adverb form )
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