Daybreak by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Daybreak Questions and Answers With Grammar

Daybreak by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Daybreak Questions and Answers With Grammar: কবিতাটির সম্পূর্ন বাংলাতে আলোচনা করা আছে, তার সাথে তিন ধরনের প্রশ্ন ও গ্রামারের লিস্টও করা আছে । কবিতাটির প্রশ্নোত্তর সহ PDF ফাইল নীচে দেওয়া আছে।
The poem is discussed in details with word by word Bengali meaning with MCQ type questions, Very short answer type questions, long answer type questions & grammar.

Daybreak by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem Summary and Bengali Meaning (Class 11) || WBCHSE Class XI Daybreak Questions and Answers With Grammar


                                                                                                                      – Henry Wordsworth Longfellow

A   wind  came up out of the sea

                                                    একটি  বাতাস     উঠে এল     থেকে        সমুদ্র

= একটি বাতাস সমুদ্র থেকে (ফুঁড়ে) উঠে এল ,

And   said, O  mists1, make room2  for  me.

                                            এবং      বলল  ওগো  কুয়াশা   করেদাও   জায়গা     জন্য আমার

                               = এবং বলল, “ ওগো কুয়াশা, আমার জন্য জায়গা করে দাও (রাস্তা ছাড়ো)    (1.- মিস্ট;2.-রুম)

It   hailed3  to the ships, and   cried  Sail on4

                                এটি অভ্যর্থনা জানাল   জাহাজগুলিকে  এবং   চিৎকারকরল পাড়ি দাও   (3.-হেইলড;4.-সেইলড অন)

                        = এটি জাহাজগুলিকে চিৎকার করে অভিবাদন /সম্ভাষন জানিয়ে চিৎকার করে বলল, ‘পাড়ি দাও’  

Ye    mariners5, the night  is gone.

                                                  তোমরা      নাবিকেরা          রাত্রি      হয়েছে গত/শেষ

                                        = তোমরা নাবিকেরা, রাত্রি শেষ হয়েছে, / অবসান হয়েছে       (5.- ঈ মেরিনারস;)

And    hurried6   landward7  far away,

                                                এবং      দ্রুত /সবেগে      ডাঙারদিকে        দূর   দূরান্তে

                                         = এবং সবেগে / দ্রুত ডাঙার দিকে দূর দূরান্তে (ছুটে) চলল ,     (6.-হারিড;7.-ল্যান্ডওয়ার্ড)

Crying , Awake8!  It is the day.

                                                         চিৎকারকরে     জাগো     এটা হয়      দিন

                                 = চিৎকার করে বলে, /জানায় , “জাগো, দিন শুরু হয়েছে /  এইতো দিন      (8.- অ্যাওয়েক;)

It said unto9the forest, Shout!

                                                        এটি বলল    প্রতি     জঙ্গল /বন   চিৎকার করো

                                        = এটি অরন্য / বনকে উদ্দেশ্য করে বলল, ‘ চিৎকার করো !’   (9.- আনটু;)

Hang10   all  your leafy banners11 out!

                                                মেলেধরো    সমস্ত তোমার  পত্রময়  নিশান/ ধ্বজা

                                        = তোমার সমস্ত পত্রময় ধ্বজা মেলে ধরো / ঝুলিয়ে দাও      (10.-হ্যাঙ্গ; 11.-লিফি ব্যানারস)

It  touched12  the wood-bird’s  folded13 wing,

                                         এটি   স্পর্শকরল              বনের    পাখির     ভাঁজকরা       ডানা

                                   = এটি বনের পাখির ভাঁজ করা ডানা স্পর্শ  করল / ছুঁয়ে গেল       (12.-টাচড;13.-ফোলডেড)

And said, O bird, awake and sing.

                                                      এবং   বলল  ওগো পাখি     জাগো   এবং  গানকরো

=এবং বলল, ‘ওগো পাখি, জাগো আর গান করো / ধরো ,

And o’er14the farms, O chanticleer15,

                                                 এবং  উপরদিয়ে     খামারবাড়ি ওগো     মোরোগ

                                = এবং খামার বাড়ির ওপর দিয়ে বয়ে যেতে যেতে বলল, ‘ ওগো মোরগ ’ (12.-ওভার;13.-চ্যন্টিক্লিয়ার)

Your clarion16   blow, the day is near.

                                                   তোমার   শিঙা/তূর্য্      বাজাও         দিন  হয়  নিকট

                                      = তোমার শিঙা / তূর্য্ বাজাও, দিন আসন্ন / সমাগত / আসন্ন  (16.- ক্ল্যারিয়ন;)

It whispered15 to the fields of corn16

                                                  এটি ফিসফিসকরেবলল প্রতি       মাঠকে         শস্য

                                            = এটি শস্য পূ্র্ন্ ক্ষেতকে ফিস ফিস করে বলল,    (15.-হুইসপারড;16.-কর্ন)

Bow down, and hail17 the coming morn18.

                                            মাথা নত কর     এবং অভ্যর্থনা জানাও   আগত      সকাল

                                    = মাথা নত করো এবং  আসন্ন / আগত সকাল কে অভ্যর্থনা জানাও     (17.-হেইল;18.-মর্ন)

It shouted19 through the belfry-tower20

                                              এটি চিৎকারকরল    মধ্যদিয়ে          ঘন্টাঘরের      চূড়া    (19.-শাউটেড;20.-বেলফ্রাই টাওয়ার)

                               = এটি গীর্জার ঘন্টা ঘরের চূড়ার মধ্যে থেকে ( দিয়ে ) চিৎকার করে বলল,

Awake, O bell! Proclaim21 the hour.

                                                         জাগো  ওগো ঘন্টা    ঘোষনাকরো           সময়

                                            = “ওগো ঘন্টা জাগো, সময়/ প্রহর ঘোষনা করো         (21.- প্রোক্লেইম;)

It crossed22 the churchyard23 with a sigh24

                                           এটি  পারহল               গীর্জার কবরখানা      সঙ্গে এক দীর্ঘশ্বাস (22.-ক্রসড;23.-চার্চ ইয়ার্ড)

                                   = এটি একটি দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেলে গির্জার কবরখানা / সমাধিস্থল পার হল       (24.- সাই)

And said, Not yet25! In quite26 lie.

                                                      এবং   বলল     না    এখনও     শান্তভাবে     শোও  (25.-ইয়েট ;26.-কোয়াইট)

                              = এবং বলল, ‘ না, এখনও সময় হয়নি, শান্তভাবে /নিঃশব্দে শুয়ে (ঘুমিয়ে ) থাকো

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1) The poem ‘Daybreak’ is a /an ——- a) Nature poem,   b) war poem,   c) elegy,   d) dramatic lyric.

2) In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the wind came up out of the ——a) river,   b) sea,   c) cloud,  d) mountain.

3) In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the wind hailed first —— a) the frost,  b) the ships,   c) the cock,   d) the wood bird.

4) The title of the poem ‘Daybreak’ suggests ——  a) new sun,   b) new day,   c) morning,  d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’.

5) ‘Bow down and hail the coming morn’ ——– the wind said this to —-  a) the wood bird,   b) the belfry tower,  c) the ships, d) the field of corn.

6) “hang all your leafy banners out—–  here ‘leafy banners’ refers to —–  a) cornfields weaving in the wind,   b) the waves of sea,   c) green coloured flags,   d) branches with leaves.

7) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ crosses  the church  yard with a —-   a) sound,  b) sigh,   c) cry,   d) blow.

8) Which of the words prove that the wind acts like a person ——  a) crossed,  b) blew,   c) whispered,  d) came up.

9) “Awake, it is the day”—— Here the speaker makes an address to —–  a) frost,   b) wood bird,   c) land,   d) fields of corn.

10) At first the sea wind is obstructed by the —–  a) clouds,  b) snow,  c) mist,   d) waves.

11) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tells  the belfry tower to—–   a) hail the morning,  b) lie in quietly,  c) proclaim the hour,  d) awaken the dead.

12) “O, chanticleer”——- Chanticleer is actually a ——  a) domestic dog,   b) domestic cock,   c) domestic duck,   d) domestic cow.

13) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ asks the forest to ——- a) shout,   b) sing,   c) sleep,   d) awake.

14) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ asks the wood bird to —–  a) awake,   b) sing,   c) hail the coming morn,   d) awake and sing.

15) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ finally blew over — —–  a) the grave yard,  b) the sea,  c) far away land,   d) forest.

16) “Your  clarion blow” —— the wind said this to ——  a) the wood bird,   b) the belfry tower,   c) the chanticleer,  d) the field of corn.

 17) The wind told the church yard to ——  a) rise,   b) rise quietly,   c) lie quietly,  d) shout.

18) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ crossed the churchyard with a —–  a) smile,   b) shout,   c) cry,  d) sigh.

19) Chanticleer will blow his ——  a) drum,   b0 pipe,   c) guitar,   d) clarion.

20) The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ first talks to ——  a) sailors,  b) mist,   c) Mariners,   d) forest.

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Very Short Answer Type Questions

1) What does the word ‘Daybreak’ mean ?

Ans:  The word ‘Daybreak’ means the beginning of the day in which morning light first appears.

2) Where did the wind come from ?

Ans:  The wind came up out of the misty sea in the poem ‘Daybreak’.

3) Whom does the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell to make room for him?   / What does the wind request the mist?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tells / requests the mists to make room for him.

4) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell / ask  the ships to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / asked the ships to sail on.

5) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell / ask  the mariners to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told/ asked the mariners to set sail to their ships to star their voyage.

6) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell / ask the wood bird to do? / Why did the wind touch the wood-birds folded wings ?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / asked the wood-bird to wake and sing the morning song by touching its folded wings.

7) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell / ask  the chanticleer to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / asked the chanticleer to blow his clarion and announced the daybreak.

8) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell/ whisper to the field of corn to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / whispered to the field of corn to bow down and hail the coming morn.

9) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell/ urge  the belfry tower to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / urged the belfry tower to awake and proclaim the hour.

10) what did the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ tell/ ask the forest to do?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’ told / asked the forest to hang all its leafy banners out.

11) “Hang all your leafy  banners out” —— What does ‘leafy banners’ mean?

Ans:  The phrase ‘leafy banners’ refers to the branches of trees with green leaves looking like banners.

12) What is belfry tower?

Ans:  Belfry tower is the tower that houses the bell in the church.

13) “Bow down” —– Whom does the wind ask to bow down and why / What does the wind whisper to the field of corn ?

Ans:  In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the wind asks the fields of corn to bow down to hail the coming morn.

14) “Not yet! In quite lie” —– Who said this and when ?

Ans:  The wind in the poem ‘daybreak’ said this to the dead lying in their graves because it was not the right time for them to wake up.

15) Why did the wind cross the church yard with a sigh?

Ans:  The wind crossed the church yard with a sigh because he felt sorry for the dead as it was not the right time for them to wake up.

16) What did  the wind say  while crossing the churchyard?

Ans : While crossing the churchyard the wind urged the dead buried under to lie quietly.

Long Answer Type Questions

1) How does Longfellow personify the wind in the poem ‘Daybreak’?   or /

What roles does the wind play in the poem ‘Daybreak’?     or  /

How does the wind inspire the various objects to welcome the coming morn ? or /

Justify the title of the poem ‘Daybreak’.

Ans:  Longfellow’s ‘Daybreak’ presents the wind’s announcement of advent of a new day. 

                                        In this poem the wind acts as a messenger, urging the living world to wake up to action at the beginning of the day. Coming out of the  misty sea, the wind calls for the end of mists. Then it greets the ships and urges the mariners to sail on. The wind rushes to the far away land, announcing the beginning of the day. The forest, the wood-bird and chanticleer are addressed by it to get up as the dawn has come. It asks the cornfield to bow down and welcome the morning. It also urges the belfry tower to ring the morning bell. When the wind blows across the cemetery, it sighs for the dead buried under.

                Thus the poet personifies the wind so that it can wake up the living world to action. It also urges all to wake up to action to perform the duties of their earthly existence at time of breaking of the day.  [ Hence the title is apt and appropriate ] 

2) “It crossed the church yard with a sigh”—— Who crossed the churchyard?  What did it say  while crossing the churchyard? Why did it say so ?   [ 1+2+2 ]

Ans :  The wind crossed the churchyard with a sigh in the poem ‘Daybreak’.

                        After crossing the sea, land, woodland, farm and fields of corn, the wind finally came to the churchyard. While crossing the churchyard it urged the dead buried under to lie quietly.

                                        In this poem the wind acts as a messenger, urging the living world to wake up to action at the beginning of the day. At last the wind crossed the church yard with a sigh. It did not want to disturb the repose of those sleeping in the graveyard for it was not time for them to wake up yet.

3) Who takes the responsibilities of announcing the breaking of the day ? How is this feat achieved? How is the final couplet different from the rest of the poem ?             [ 1+2+2 ]      ( 2014, 2017 )

Ans :        The wind takes responsibility of announcing the breaking of the day.

                                                In this poem the wind acts as a messenger, urging the living world to wake up to action at the beginning of the day. Coming out of the  misty sea, the wind calls for the end of mists. Then it greets the ships and urges the mariners to sail on. The wind rushes to the far away land, announcing the beginning of the day. The forest, the wood-bird and chanticleer are addressed by it to get up as the dawn has come. It asks the cornfield to bow down and welcome the morning. It also urges the belfry tower to ring the morning bell.

                        When the wind blows across the cemetery, it sighs for the dead buried under. It did not want to disturb the repose of those sleeping in the graveyard for it was not time for them to wake up yet. So this part was totally different from the rest of the poem.


i) It touched the wood-bird’s folded wing.

ii) Proclaim the hour.

iii) Hail the coming morn.

iv) Hang all your leafy banners out.

v) It crossed the churchyard with a sigh.

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কবিতাটির ভিডিটি দেখতে ক্লিক করুন 👇👇👇👇

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