Write A Letter To The Editor About The High Price Of Essential Commodities || Letter to the Editor of an English Daily on the High Price of the Essential Commodities
Write A Letter To The Editor About The High Price Of Essential Commodities || Letter to the Editor of an English Daily on the High Price of the Essential Commodities.
Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily on high price of the essential commodities.
The Editor,
The Statesman
[ Sub: high price of the essential commodities ]
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I want to ventilate my concern over price hike of the essential commodities.
Of-late the price hike essential commodities has now become a menace of our daily life. It has become a headache to most of the people. The price of rice, vegetables, oil, spices, etc. has gone beyond the reach of the middle class family. Fish, meat have become dearer. The prices of clothes, medicines, petroleum are also increasing rapidly. The common people are in miserable plight. The worst affected people are those who live below the poverty line. They are living half-fed. Some dishonest hoarders are mainly responsible for this. They create artificial scarcity of goods. Administration is found to be the silent observer at this
I shall, therefore, feel obliged if you kindly publish the above in your esteemed daily with a few to drawing the attention of the proper authorities to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Rajib Chakraborty
Village- P.O.- P.S.- Dist. – PIN – Date: |
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