Revision Lesson Solutions English Class 8

ক্লাস ৮ এর রিভিশন লেশন এরসমস্ত প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করা হল । সমস্ত আ্যাক্টিভিটির উত্তর ও আলোচিত হল ।
All the questions and answers of class 8 revision lesson were discussed. All activities are answered and discussed

Revision Lesson Solutions English Class 8

Revision Lesson

Activity 1

Underline the participle adjectives in the following sentences (নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যে participle adjectives আন্ডারলাইন করো:)

 (a) The painted house looks beautiful.

Ans: painted

Ans: creaking

 (b) A barking dog seldom bites.

Ans: barking

(c) They submitted a written answer

Ans: written

(d) The tattered shirt was lying on the mud.

Ans: tattered

 (e) The creaking sound of the door awakened the baby.

Ans: Creaking

Activity 2

 Fill in the blanks with suitable articles or prepositions: (উপযুক্ত articles or prepositions দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করুন:)

Once________  poor weaver lived  ________  a village. He was well-known as ________  artist. His beautiful designs ________ cloth were much appreciated. The weaver earned his livelihood ________ working hard all day.

Ans: a,     in,    an,     on,     by .

Activity 3

(a) Identify the adverbs in each set. Put a tick mark (V) on the adverb: (প্রতিটি সেটে adverb গুলিকে চিহ্নিত করো। adverb গুলির উপর একটি টিক চিহ্ন (V) দাও:)

(i) tall/sweetly/child/run

Ans: sweetly

 (ii) wait/walk/slowly/full

Ans: slowly

(iii) happy/friendship/wise/quietly

Ans: quietly

(iv) tomorrow/evening/careful/look

Ans: tomorrow

(v) make/here/incident/quick

Ans: here

Activity 3 (b)

Classify the underlined adverbs according to their functions in the chart given below: (নীচের চার্টে আন্ডারলাইন করা Adverb গুলিকে তাদের কাজ অনুসারে শ্রেণিবদ্ধ করুন:)

(i) It is a good habit to rise early.

 (ii) He often comes to our house.

(iii) The nightingale sings sweetly.

(iv) My pet dog follows me everywhere.



Activity 4

Choose the correct alternative from the verbs given in brackets and fill in the blanks: (বন্ধনীতে দেওয়া ক্রিয়াপদ থেকে সঠিক বিকল্পটি বেছে নাও এবং শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো)

 (a) I ________ a book now. (read/am reading /was reading)

Ans: am reading

(b) Tintin ______ home just now. (is returning/was returning/has returned)

Ans: has returned

(c) When we reached the hall, the film_______   . (starts/started/had started)

Ans: had started

(d) The young man boarded the bus while it ________ . (is moving/was moving/had moved)

Ans: was moving

(e) The Satabdi Express _________ Puri at the scheduled time, yet it failed to reach Howrah on time. (is leaving/ has left/ had left)

Ans: had left

Activity 5

 (a) Write the positive, comparative and superlative form of the adjectives and fill in the chart given below: (positive, comparative and superlative রূপটি লেখ এবং নীচের তালিকাটি পূরণ করো)

more beautiful


beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful

Activity 5(b)

 Fill in the blanks with the given adjectives in their proper degree: (Adjective এর সঠিক degree দিয়ে শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো)

 (i) No other mountain peak is so ________ (high) as Everest.

Ans: high

(ii) Darjeeling is ________ (cool) than Lava.

Ans: cooler

(iii) Rashmi is the ________  (tall) girl in the class.

Ans: tallest

(iv) Very few Indian cities are as ________  (big) as Kolkata.

Ans: big

(v) The Rajdhani Express runs ________  (fast) than most other Indian trains.

Ans: faster

Activity 6

Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals given in the list below: (নীচের তালিকায় দেওয়া উপযুক্ত মডালগুলি দিয়ে শূন্যস্থানগুলি পূরণ করো)

(a) We ______ help the poor and the needy.

Ans: should

(b) ______  God bless you!

Ans: May

(c) You ______  hurry up or you will be late.

Ans: must

 (d)  ______  there be life on Mars?

Ans: Can

(e) I ______ be thirteen next month.

Ans: will

modals: may, will, should, can, must

Activity 6

The words in brackets are homophones. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks: (বন্ধনীর শব্দগুলো হল হোমোফোন। সঠিক বিকল্পটি বেছে নিন এবং শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো)

(a) _____ are two coconut trees in _____ garden. (there/their)

Ans: There, their

(b) Last Sunday I _____ Munni at the bus-stop. She is my close _____. (mate/ met)

Ans: met,  mate

(c) I _____ why you often _____ about in the woods. (wander/wonder)

Ans: wonder,  wander

 (d) My mother_____ is weak _____ walk. (to/too)

Ans: too,  to

(e) The little _____ has this_____ bouquet. (made/maid)

Ans: maid,  made

Activity 8

Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of the given clues: (প্রদত্ত সূত্রের সাহায্যে ক্রসওয়ার্ড পাজলটি সমাধান করো)

Across: 1: hobby of collecting postage stamps

 2: study of stars and planets



Down: 3: house where books are kept and read

 4: a person who makes pots


Ans: 3. POTTER

Activity 9

(a) Match the words in column ‘A’ with their synonyms in column IV:


(i) castle(a) wild (iii)
(ii) rustic(b) flower (iv)
(iii) savage(c) fort (i)
(iv) blossom(d) tired (v)
(v) weary(e) rural (ii)

Activity 9

(b) Make sentences with the words given in column ‘A’ of Activity 9(a)


i) castle: I saw many castle in Rajasthan.

ii) rustic : The girl has a rustic look.

iii) savage: Many savage tribes still live in Andaman.

iv) blossom: The tree is covered with blossoms.

v) weary: The old man is too weary to walk any more.

Activity 9

(c) Add prefix or suffix to the following words to form opposites:

Secure = insecure

Patient = impatient

 Hope = hopeless

Appear= disappear

 bound = boundless

Let’s talk:

Suppose you have been selected to represent your school in a district-level sports event. Describe your feelings to the class.  (মনেকর তুমি একটি জেলা-স্তরের ক্রীড়া ইভেন্টে তোমার স্কুলের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করার জন্য নির্বাচিত হয়েছ। ক্লাসে তোমার অনুভূতি বর্ণনা করো )


My dear friends,

      I am really excited today. I could hardly believe my ears when our respected sport teacher announced today that I had been selected to represent our school in the district level. I had been selected in the district level inter school cricket tournament. It is really unbelievable and unexpected. I love cricket. I practice it daily to get perfection. There are many of us who play the game as well. I am also feeling a bit nervous. The prestige of entire school depends on me. I promise to try my best. I wish your full support and co-operation. Thanks to all.

Let’s do:

Activity 10

Write a paragraph in about seventy words on the famous Bengali writer Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay. Use the following hints:


born on 12th September 1894—father Mahananda Bandyopadhyay and mother Mrinalini Devi—early education at Bangaon High School—intermediate and graduation from Ripon College, now known as Surendranath College of Kolkata —worked as Headmaster at Jangipara High School and later at Ha rinavi Anglo-Sanskrit Institution—famous novels are Pother Pancholi, Aparojito, Aranyak, Debjan, lcchamati, Chander Pahar etc.—died on 1st November, 1950



Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay was a great Bengali writer. He had unparalleled contribution in the fields of literature. This great writer was born on 12th September in 1894. His father was  Mahananda Bandyopadhyay. His mother was  Mrinalini Devi. All along he was a meritorious student. His early education was stated at Bangaon High School. He passed his intermediate from there. He did his graduation from Ripon College, now known as Surendranath College of Kolkata. In his later life he worked as Headmaster at Jangipara High School. He also worked at Harinavi Anglo-Sanskrit Institution. He wrote many novel among them the famous are Pother Pancholi, Aparojito, Aranyak, Debjan, lcchamati, Chander Pahar etc. This great writer died on 1st November in 1950.

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