My School Days Questions Answers||Class 5||Lesson 5

Class 5 এর Lesson 5 এর My School Days, গদ্যটির প্রতিটি Question Answers আলোচনা করা হল। । Question Answers -এর PDF ও দেওয়া আছে ডাউনলোডের জন্য ।
My School Days of Class 5 Lesson 5 ,all Question Answers are discussed & PDF for downloading.

Dear Students, পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির সেরা ঠিকানা, আজ আমরা আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এসেছি My School Days Questions Answers. নিচে Post টি যত্নসহকারে পড়ুন ও জ্ঞানভাণ্ডার বৃদ্ধি করুন। নিয়মিত
বিনামূল্যে পড়াশোনা করতে এবং নোটস, সাজেশান, প্রশ্ন উত্তর ইত্যাদি স্টাডি ম্যাটেরিয়াল PDF আকারে বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করতে এবং ভিডিও ক্লাস করতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন।

My School Days Questions Answers


Let’s answer the following questions:

(a) To which school was the author admitted? (লেখক কোন স্কুলে ভর্তি হয়ে ছিলেন?)

Ans: The author was admitted to Ballygunge Government High School.

(b) What was the school hall used for? (স্কুল হল কি জন্য ব্যবহৃত হতো?)

Ans: The school hall was used for the annual prize distribution ceremony and feasts on occasion of Saraswati Puja.

(c) What was the name of the Shakespearean play that was performed in the hall? (হলটিতে যে শেক্সপিয়র নাটকটি পরিবেশিত হয়েছিল তার নাম কী ছিল?)

Ans: The name of the Shakespearean play was The Merchant of Venice that was performed in the hall.

(d) Name the two foreign actors mentioned by the author. (লেখক উল্লেখিত দুই বিদেশী অভিনেতার নাম বল ।)

Ans: The name of the two foreign actors mentioned by the author is Greenberg and Salim.


Write T for the True and F for the statements in the given boxes:

(a) The author went to Ballygunge Government High School with his mother.

(লেখক তার মায়ের সাথে বালিগঞ্জ সরকারি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ে যান।)

Ans: F

(b) The Ballygunge Government High School is on the eastern side of Beltala Police Station.

(বেলতলা থানার পূর্ব দিকে বালিগঞ্জ সরকারি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়।)

Ans: T

(c) The southern part of the school was the playground.

(স্কুলের দক্ষিণ অংশ ছিল খেলার মাঠ।)

Ans: T

(d) When seen from above the author’s school looked like the English letter “L”.

(লেখকের স্কুলের উপর থেকে দেখলে ইংরেজি অক্ষর “L” এর মত লাগছিল।)

Ans: F

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Let’s match the words in Column A with their meanings In Column B :

(a) sumssomeone who belongs to another country
(b) noddedencircled
(c) surroundedmovie
(d) foreignermathematical problems  
(e) cinemamoving the head up and down to say yes


(a) sums (অঙ্ক )someone who belongs to another country (যে অন্য দেশের অন্তর্গত) [d]
(b) nodded (মাথা নেড়ে সম্মতি)encircled  (ঘেরা )    [c]
(c) surrounded (ঘেরা )Movie (চলচিত্র )    [e]
(d) foreigner (বিদেশী)mathematical problems (গানিতিক সমস্যা)    [a]  
(e) cinema   (চলচিত্র)moving the head up and down to say yes  (হ্যাঁ বলার জন্য মাথা উপরে এবং নীচে সরানো )    [b]


Let’s fill in the following chart with suitable verb forms:

PresentPastPast Participle


PresentPastPast Participle


Care sentences of your own with the following verbs :

went, looked, give, show, use


Went : I went to Kolkata last week.

Looked: The old man looked at me.

Give: We give the bagger some food.

Show: Riya enjoyed a magic show.

Use: They use bicycle.

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Let’s complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) The subject  that  B.D.  Roy  taught  was _________________

   Ans: English    

(b) The author remembers the head pandit Bhattacharya Sir for his _______

Ans: excellent handwriting

(c) Ashubabu  conducted  an  event  called ______________________

Ans: ‘Music drawing’          

(d)  The time span of  the author’s  school-  life  was    _____________________

Ans:  six years    

(e) The author went back to his school one more time to attend ______________

Ans: a reunion of ex-students


Let’s answer the following questions:

(a) How did B.D. Roy teach the pronunciation of ‘the’?  (কিভাবে বি.ডি. রায় শেখান ‘দ্য উচ্চারণ?)

Ans: B.D. Roy taught that the pronunciation of ‘the’ depended on whether the following words begins with a vowel or a consonant.

(b) How did the author get to be Ashubabu’s favourite?  (লেখক কীভাবে আশুবাবুর প্রিয় হয়ে উঠলেন?)

Ans: The author got to be Ashubabu’s favourite because he could draw very well.

(c) What was ‘Music drawing’?   (‘সঙ্গীত অঙ্কন’ কি ছিল?)

Ans: ‘Music Drawing’ was an interesting event. For this event, there would be a blackboard and coloured chalks on a table. A student would sing a song and another would draw a picture on the blackboard, trying to capture in lines and colour the essence of the song.

(d) Why did everything seem much smaller to the author when he went back to school after ten years?    (দশ বছর পর যখন তিনি স্কুলে ফিরে গেলেন তখন লেখকের কাছে কেন সবকিছু ছোট মনে হয়েছিল?)

Ans: Everything seem much smaller to the author when he went back to school after ten years because he had grown to about six and half feet but the things were same.

(e) What is ‘a pleasure’ according to the author?  (লেখকের মতে ‘আনন্দ’ কী?)

Ans: According to the author to look back and relive the past moments of joy is a pleasure.


Let’s fill in the blanks with words from the box:

(1) Sachin Tendulkar is my___________ cricketer.

Ans: favourite

(2) When Rip Van Winkle came back to the village the next morning, he could not ___________ it.

Ans: recognize

(3) Most people have sweet ____________ of childhood.

Ans: memories

(4) The student could not __________ the word correctly.

Ans: pronounce

(5) Mr. Das is an _____________ teacher.

Ans: excellent

                   [ pronounce, excellent, favourite, memories, recognize ]

                      উচ্চারণ,         চমৎকার,      প্রিয়,           স্মৃতি,          স্বীকৃতি


Let’s identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences:

(1) One day he told us the story ‘The Ox and The Frog’ from Aesop’s fables.


Subject:  he

Predicate: told us the story ‘The Ox and The Frog’ from Aesop’s fables.

(2) B.D. Roy taught us English.


Subject: B.D. Roy

Predicate: taught us English.

(3) He was a small man and he took great care to ensure that we pronounced English correctly.


Subject: He

Predicate: was a small man and he took great care to ensure that we pronounced English correctly.

(4) But I could draw very well.


Subject: I

Predicate: could draw very well.

(5) Ashubabu was given the charge of decorating the hall for the annual prize distribution ceremony.


Subject: Ashubabu

Predicate: was given the charge of decorating the hall for the annual prize distribution ceremony.


Let’s split the sentences mentioned in Activity-9(a) into subject and predicate, end fill in the given chart:

hetold us the story ‘The Ox and The Frog’ from Aesop’s fables.
B.D. Roytaught us English.
Hewas a small man and he took great care to ensure that we pronounced English correctly.
Icould draw very well.
Ashubabuwas given the charge of decorating the hall for the annual prize distribution ceremony.

ACTIVITY -10    

Fill in the blanks with present continuous tense of the given verbs in brackets. One is done for you:

(1) What are you doing (do) tonight?

(2) John ______  (read) a book now.

Ans: is reading

(3) Ali and Sudip _________   (work) late today.

Ans: is working

(4) Mita _______ (listen) to music.

Ans: is listening

(5) Raju  _______ (sit) next to sunil.

Ans: is sitting


Write five sentences to describe yourself with the following:

* Your name and age:

* The place you live in:

* The name of your school:

* Your hobby, likes and dislikes:

* What you want to be when you grow up:



I am Srijeet Chakraborty. I am eleven years old. I live at Singhti. The name of my school is Baganda High School. I like to play cricket and reading story books. I don’t like telling lies. I want to be a teacher when I grow up.

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ঘোষণা: বিনামূল্যে আমাদের দেওয়া নোটস, সাজেশান, প্রশ্ন উত্তর ইত্যাদি স্টাডি ম্যাটেরিয়াল PDF এবং ভিডিও ক্লাস ভালো লাগলে, আমাদের এই পোস্টের লিংক আপনার বন্ধুদের ফেসবুক, WhatsApp এ শেয়ার করে তাদের পড়ার সুযোগ করে দিন।

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