Class 3 Lesson 4 Questions Answers The Peacock and the Carne
Class 3 Lesson 4 Questions Answers :
ক্লাস 3 এর Lesson 4 এর সমস্ত প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করা হল । সমস্ত আ্যাক্টিভিটির উত্তর ও আলোচিত হল ।
All the questions and answers of class 3 Lesson-4 were discussed. All activities are answered and discussed.
Dear Students, পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির সেরা ঠিকানা, আজ আমরা আপনাদের জন্য নিয়ে এসেছি Class 3 Lesson 4 Questions Answers . প্রতিবছর পরীক্ষায় এখান থেকে অনেক প্রশ্ন আসে। Post টি যত্নসহকারে পড়ুন ও জ্ঞানভাণ্ডার বৃদ্ধি করুন। নিয়মিত বিনামূল্যে পড়াশোনা করতে এবং নোটস, সাজেশান, প্রশ্ন উত্তর ইত্যাদি স্টাডি ম্যাটেরিয়াল PDF আকারে বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করতে এবং ভিডিও ক্লাস করতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন।
Class 3 Lesson 4 Questions Answers
Activity 1
Put [T] for true and [F] for false statements in the given boxes. One is done:
1. The crane was catching frogs for lunch. Ans: [ F ]
2. The peacock lived by the side of a river. Ans: [ T ]
3. The feathers of the crane were colourless. Ans: [ T ]
4. The peacock was sorry for his beauty. Ans: [ F ]
5. The crane came to live by the lake. Ans: [ T ]
6. The peacock felt ashamed at last. Ans: [ T ]
Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with the words in the help box. One is done for you:
1. The peacock felt very proud of his beauty.
2. The peacock ____________ in a forest.
Ans: lived
3. The crane _________ him a good lesson.
Ans: taught
4. The peacock _________ at the crane.
Ans: mocked
5. The peacock ___________ away ashamed.
Ans: went
6. The peacock ___________ a crane in the lake by chance.
Ans: met
Help box
Lived, felt, met, mocked, taught, went |
Activity 3
Now look again at the sentences in Activity 2. Put them in correct order to frame a story:
1. The peacock lived in a forest.
2. The peacock felt proud of his beauty.
3. The peacock met a crane in the lake by chance.
4. The peacock mocked at the crane
5. The crane taught him a good lesson.
6. The peacock went away ashamed.
Activity 4
A. In the text you will find some underlined words. Same of them end with ”-ed’ and same of them end without’-ed’.Make a list of them. One is done.
Words ending with’-ed’ | Words ending without ‘-ed’ |
1. looked | 1. came |
2. mocked | 2.saw |
3. lived | 3. felt |
4. replied | 4. went |
5. murmured | 5.spread |
6. used | 6.said |
B. Write six words of your own. Remember, the words should end with ‘-ed’. One has been done for you :
1. helped
2. saved
3. played
4. opened
5. wanted
6. waited
Let’s learn…
A weaver bird can weave a nest.
= একটি তাঁতি (বাবুই) পাখি বাসা বুনতে পারে ।
An owl can see at night.
= একটি পেঁচা রাতে দেখতে পারে ।
A vulture can fly very high in the sky.
=একটি শকুন আকাশে খুব উুঁচুতে উড়তে পারে ।
A cuckoo can sing sweet notes.
= একটি কোকিল সুন্দর সুর (গান) গাইতে পারে ।
A peacock can dance in the rain.
=একটি ময়ূর বৃষ্টিতে নাচতে পারে ।
A hen can lay eggs.
= একটি মুরগী ডিম পাড়তে পারে ।
Let’s do…
Activity -5
Look at the chart below. Work In groups. Frame as many sentences as you can. One has been done for you:
I We Sabina Sabina’s friends | can | dance well. do the work. sing a song. help him. |
I can dance well.
We can do the work.
Sabina can sing a song.
Sabina’s friend can help him.
I can do the work.
We can help him.
Sabina can dance well.
Sabina’s friend can do the work.
Let’s read:
1)I am an eagle. I eat snake, hare, squirrel and fish.
আমি হই একটি ঈগল আমি খাই সাপ খরগোশ কাঠবিড়ালী ও মাছ
2) I am a bulbul. I eat berries and insects.
আমি হই একটি বুলবুল আমি খাই বেরি ও পোকামাকড়
3) I am an egret. I eat fish.
আমি হই এক বক আমি খাই মাছ
4) I am a duck. I eat tiny water- plants and animals.
আমি হই এক পাতিহাঁস আমি খাই ছোটো জলজ উদ্ভিদ এবং জীব
5) I am a hornbill. I eat lizard, fruits and small insects.
আমি হই একটি হর্ন্ বিল আমি খাই টিকটিকি ফল এবং ছোট কীট-পতঙ্গ্
6) I am a mynah. I eat fruits, grains and grasshoppers.
আমি হই একটি ময়না আমি খাই ফল শস্য এবং গঙ্গাফড়িং
Let’s do…
Activity -7
Let’s tick the correct answer:
1. A duck eats – (a) tiny water animals , (b) fruits .
Ans: (a) tiny water animals
2. An egret eats — (a) hares , (b) fish .
Ans: (b) fish
3. A hornbill eats — (a) lizards , (b) water plants
Ans: (a) lizards
4. An eagle eats (a) hares (b) fruits
Ans: (a) hares
5. A mynah eats (a) grasshoppers (b) snakes .
Ans: (a) grasshoppers
6. A bulbul eats (a) squirrels b) insects .
Ans: b) insects
Activity -8
Let’s find the names of these birds from the help box:
Activity -10
Match and write five sentences clout birds. One is done for you :
Birds | Sing lay eat build carry | eggs sweet notes. nests. seeds of a tree from one place to another harmful worms and save corn. |
1. Birds build nests.
2. Birds sing sweet notes.
3. Birds lay eggs.
4. Birds eat harmful worms and save corn.
5. Birds carry seeds of a tree from one place to another.
Also Read: Lesson 1 Unit 1 My Friends
Also Read: Lesson 1 Unit 2 The Wily Followers
Also Read: Lesson 1 Questions Answers
Also Read: Animals Meeting:
Also Read: The Grasshopper and the Ants
Also Read: The Peacock and the Carne
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